
I thank you for reading and reacting and understanding. It's great to have a group of people (men) that you can share things like these with. (I sure can't share this with my co-workers - though if they asked (eg. "What do you think about corporations?"- Many already know I'm anarchicaly inclined :D - I would but I wouldn't go around sending my link to them :D.

sorry for my late response... Yeah I really love the infinite man group, there are so many awesome people and a lot of good content :) have you been to one of the summits? (I was at the one in London, which was really great). Yeah often it is quite hard to find people with whom you can talk about all this cool stuff ;)

Yeah, I was in London, too. I flew there just for that thing :).

Oh very nice :) Who was your favorite speaker in London?

Jesse Elder.

Least favourite, the Unicorn as he literally shared nothing. There were couple speakers that shared nothing during the whole speach which is a shame.

What about you?

For me Jesse Elder was also the most valuable talk :)
The unicorn was at least unique :)
For me the one business guy (can't even remember his name) was the most boring (the one who made the longest talk and was just about selling useless stuff on the internet...)

Oh yeah, he was unique for sure :D. I think he could have some nice things to share if he just got to it. That's why I'm dissapointed that he didn't.

Oh yea, the guy who's wholee talk was just a Salespitch to us ... Yea, that one was "great". Basically a forced Webinar where someone is selling you shit :D.

yeah that's true, he probably has some good tantra insights, but didn't tell us much...

haha exactly^^