Hiking with hunger! 5/365-day blog challengesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hey there fellow steemians!

Let me tell you, nothing beats waking up in the mountains; fresh air, total silence and... above all the view! The overwhelming view of a massive mountain range stretching out in front of you, and the lure call of the adventures to come (we will be hiking today! And as I am a small city boy, hiking is considered an adventure... haha). Although, I have to say, waking up, checking Steemit, and seeing that you guys demolished the upvote and follow buttons, is a close second! It is an enormous motivator and helps me to keep improving! Thanks for the support!

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I could easily get used to my current balcony-view!


So now to the order of the day! We will start out with a typical german breakfast (Not really...); eggs with bacon, some cheese, sourdough breadlings, kiwi, and last but not least my unrivaled favorite, a cappuccino (You might have guessed it already)! My mother always says; "A good start is half the battle", so that I why I ate 3 sandwiches, hahaha.

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I just realize how dirty my breakfast actually looks on this picture, not even to mention the weird combinations... hahaha.

My telephone just broke...

Hahaha, it almost sounds like a joke, but it is actually true. We were enjoying our breakfast, when I unlocked my Iphone 5s to see what time it was, when the screen flashed and turned black... To this moment I have not yet been able to get it working again, but I put my phone in the recharger and I will check it when we are back form our hike!
This is however what you could call a blessing in disguise! In my previous blog I promised you guys I would be making nicer pictures, and... I might now be able to do it, because now I have good reason to use my little sisters phone (An iphone 6s), which will provide us with way nicer pictures! So let's put that to the test!

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I would say, an iphone 6s makes quite lovely pictures, but then again, I know nothing of photography...


At the moment it is 10:38 .a.m., we all slept well, ate countless of sandwiches, and my telephone has broken, so.... It's about the perfect time for some action?! On the program today will be a hike to the Fellhornbahn. This is an lift to the peak of the Fellhorn, a local mountain that peaks around 1967 meters above the sea level!

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According to this sign it would take 1,5 hours from this point to reach the Fellhornbahn. It took almost 2,5 hours, and we weren't even lost...

The most beautiful walk, EVER!

This impeccable walk of merely 2 hours, in which we covered a sloppy 12k, exposed us to all the beauty the Alps had to offer; trees, wildlife, a challenging climb (830-1967 meters! It sound more heroic than it was... The lift did most our climbing. Hahaha, cityboy-life!) , and an unequalled view! And as promised I made many, many pictures. Most utterly unable to capture the beauty of mother nature, but I want to show you the ones that came... pretty close?!
Enjoy the highlights of our walk:


The beauties of the forest <3


And my personal favorite! I literally had to stand in glacier water to make this one! Could this be classified as unheard dedication for a novice bloggers?

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I even got you some prove, for my bold statements!

The Fellhornbahn

It was quite a walk. There were some complains about the temperature (33 degrees!), the distant and our navigation skills. I my defense as navigator, we were not lost though, it was just far... Or should I say, further then expected. Anyhow, I am proud to say that we all made it to the Fellhornbahn.


So to celebrate, we drank some fresh buttermilk at the foot of the Fellhorn.


I even found a map that exactly showed our hiking trail. It might be hard to see for you guys, but we took the most south path from Oberstdorf to the Fellhornbahn.


While taking the Fellhorn lift I found the buttermilk factories, hahaha.

A swift retreat for delicious lunch

You might not know this yet, but... me and my family are food-driven people. There are many people that strive for the higher goods of the world; status, power, money, luxurious good, and so on. But we are much simpler. We strive mostly for... food (this striving is done every 2 hours...)!
So picture this, we were on this amazing mountain peak enjoying all what mother natures had to offer, basically having the time of our lives! But then it is suddenly 02:30 p.m, and the hunger kicks in. It is amazing how fast, such a beautiful place can lose it's appeal when you are hungry (this might even be a good idea for a psychological experiment?!).


The view from the top was epic though! Hungry or not, you kinda feel like the king of the jungle... Or more like the king of the Alps, hahaha.


So within 30 minutes we were sitting in a bus, on our way to the city center of Oberstdorf to have our lunch...


I had kaiserschmarrn, which are basically delicious, fluffy, shredded pancakes named after an Austrian emperor. He knew this shit was good <3

The afternoon program

Currently it is 10:42 p.m., and I am once again in my room, extremely tired of the day (apparently it takes a lot to be surrounded with the constant beauty of the magnificent Alps!) Which means I would love to go to sleep immediately after I rounded off this blog. That's why I wanted to summarize the rest of our afternoon (it is quite straightforward...);

  • It started with our lunch, afterwards we will strolled through Oberstdorf, after which we returned to the hotel.
  • I did some reading, checked the markets, went swimming (in the pool), and did some writing (basically this blog) and...
  • We eat again. That's what we call a proper holi-day, hahaha.


I even played some cards. Check those aces mate!

365-blog challenge

For you guys that have not read my previous posts, I am doing a 365-day blog challenge to promote Steemit (and myself... it's not 100% altruistic, hahaha) and for the upcoming 3 weeks I will be traveling from the Netherlands to Italy (you can find my travel plan here)! So you can expect daily posts (tomorrow I will be going to swim in a mountain lake! So tune in for that!)
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Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow!

Much love,


Those hikes look awesome, and now I want pancakes...

@heymattsokol the pancakes where epic! hahaha. If you ever are in the Alps order those kaiserschmarrn!

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