Traveling To India To Build A Sustainable Yoga & Retreat Center, Photos & Video Of The Adventure

in #travel8 years ago

                                 Greetings Steemit Community!

With every post I make, I am just stoked to be making it HERE on the most cutting edge and revolutionary platform on earth!

That is saying a lot coming from me, as I founded The Garden of Eden--a sustainable community with the lowest carbon footprint in the country!

So I am grateful to be here with you all investing in and experiencing the results of this platform and in participating in the evolution of it!

Anyway, traveling to me is one of the most valuable investments and experiences we can have. I have been to every continent besides Antarctica and have evolved and benefited my life tremendously from it. Traveling is the only way to get an accurate comprehension of the way the world really works as a whole. TV and movies, while epic, do not give accurate or full spectrum pictures of real life. 


So I figured as this is a community based on curating valuable content, I ought to be curating content on my travels and share that with everyone here who also loves to travel and be educated in worldly matters. That way, even if you have not yet been you can get some exposure and benefit from my experience and also maybe be inspired to do more traveling yourself!



This post is about my travels in India, which is without a doubt the most colorful of my travels so far. India is a rich, raw, and colorful land. 


There is SO much to discuss about this country and the experiences I had, relationships I made, and places I went. 


This will be my first post of my adventures in India, so I will give a little bit of back story to set up the actual trip in India. 

I have been a consultant in the area of sustainability for at least 8 years now. I have also been dedicated to helping people as a fundamental part of my purpose for 12 years. So when I was requested to come to India to design a sustainable yoga/retreat center and train the people there how to do the building and development, I was inspired despite the fact they could not pay me a consulting fee. I did the project pro bono (this would not be my first pro bono case nor my last). 


I was excited by the opportunity to truly help those who could not afford to hire world-class services and to be able to transfer world-class knowledge and experience to people who would actually put it to good use. 


Because these people live in such poverty, a sustainable system that is more efficient, more productive, and cheaper goes a LONG WAY. These people are used to living with very little and getting the most out of what they have. 


I was also excited to really get to see the Indian culture and develop real relationships with real people. 


I have never been interested in the tourist stuff. I like to go to places and get involved with the real people of that culture and live the lives like the people of that culture are living. 


                  This trip had potential to last many months, so I was going ready to really immerse myself. 


In this photo they are taking their bath with the buffalo while  washing clothes and gathering water for their day. This is very common out in the rural parts of the land. 

I have many more photos that I would love to share in the coming days here in this exciting new community and am grateful to be able to bring value to it. 

Here is the first video documentary I made of the trip and I shall share it here. I hope you are able to get a lil taste of the land and the people and receive value from it. I have hundreds of photos and videos more from this trip and hope to be able to share more as time goes on. 


Traveling with Quinn is like traveling with an entirely new perspective. He brings great insight to everything he is involved in and a culture as full and intricate as India holds great opportunity for true insight. In comparison to America, India is a whole new world. As a photographer it is paradise. Missing a shot was no biggie--because everywhere one turns is another amazing scene. Everything we generally do inside, happens in full view in India--sewing, cooking, bathing, brushing teeth, picking fleas, and even urinating, We took nearly 1500 photos everyday for over a month and Quinn compiled videos that shines the light on the intricacies of this ancient culture. This is a gem of a resource. Thank you for sharing it here on Steemit.

What a powerful journey it was and I am thankful you were there to be a part of it. There are so many levels of conscious importance in the documentaries I put together. I am inspired to curate aspects of it for this community, so as to bring as much value to it as I can. You too, have a lot of value to add. I am hopeful of the content you will curate as you are indeed a true servant of humanity and a true artist~*~

Traveling is indeed the most epic way to expand one's worldview! I'm so grateful I got to experience the depths of India for myself, as I'm sure you are too, Quinn. This post takes me right back to the full, expansive, paradigm-shifting experiences I had in that vast country--thanks for reminding me of connection! Looking forward to following your upcoming posts.

Hi Quinn

Great shots over India. Liked the simplicity of life there. We must learn from them, how to live simple, be happy and smile always.

I have been to Mumbai, Kandla and also to northern India. Beautiful places to see, and I love the beautiful beach in Goa..stunning view.

Forget about the crazy traffic and zig zagging of the motorcycles there, and constant honking from the taxis, you will get over it..once you are used to it.

I love Yoga and Pilate and have been joining classes in my hometown last time, stopped for a while and do have plans to continue it...brings inner peace to me and help me in combating my stress and aches on my body..

Stay cool, stay safe and be in touch. I will follow you here..



Greetings Brethren~
Grateful to connect with you here. What a prime platform to connect and exchange!
I appreciate the support and hope that we will be able to bring mutually beneficial content to each other~
Yes there are MANY beautiful places in the world and even after months in India I only saw but a fraction of them there...Traveling is valuable for world perspective and for balancing of contrast/relativity. Life is far different in social structure, land/weather type, religion and economy all over the world. To be able to see it, smell it, taste it, experience it is to get the most influential value. There is so much to be gleamed from this adventure~~

Thanks for setting a standard of joyful service, @quinneaker!
It IS exciting to be taking part in this new platform where meaningful exchanges can take place.
It's also exciting to live at the Garden of Eden, where you've implemented some upgrades that were obviously influenced by your time in India.
It's interesting to compare poverty in the US vs. poverty in India, and and the depths that speaks to on the value of money...

Yes Indeed!
What an opportunity!
Now is the time~
We are the power~*~

I've always wanted to travel to India, and I actually think I may be able to in the next couple of years! I love seeing others with dreads by the way :) mine are about a year old by now.

India is a magical, beautiful and intense place~
Truly worth a visit~*~

Simply Great Information and Presentation

Nice pictures! It is quite likely that I might go to India again this year, so perhaps I'll drop by your center. But I am guessing you aren't staying there anymore? Which state is it located in? There are a lot of places there I am yet to visit, and while my first time was mostly hanging out, for my second time I plan to travel a lot.

Also theme of sustainable agriculture & living is something I follow, if not practice full time.

Yes India is worth a visit for sure. I do not live there currently but will be back one day.
Yes sustainability is important. Embody it as much as you can!

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