WEEK 20 - 26 August... 1-7 days of our 21-day trip to the South of Ukraine to the Black Sea. 7 original photos and the best posts by @olga.maslievich

in #travel6 years ago (edited)


Hello my friends I decided to write a weekly report on the 7 days we traveled to the Black Sea. Here I have placed 7 of the best posts where we spend time in a beautiful place on Earth - in the village Lebedivka, which is located 70 km from the famous city of Belgorod-Dniestrovsky.
There is a unique man-made acacia wood planted directly by humans, where people settle with tents and rest. Maybe you did not know about this place? So enjoy our journey with me!

Привіт мої друзі. Я вирішила написати тижневий звіт про 7 днів, які ми провели в подорожі до Чорного моря. Тут я розмістив 7 найкращих постів, де ми проводимо час в прекрасному місці на Землі - в селищі Лебедівка, яке розташоване на відстані 70 км від знаменитого міста Белгород - Дністровськ.
Тут є унікальний насаджений людьми акацієвий ліс, безпосередньо над морем, де люди поселяються з наметами і відпочивають. Можливо ви не знали про це місце? Отож насолоджуйтеся зі мною нашою подорожжю!

Watermelon - Rescuer... We came by taxi to the forest on the seafront and then went on foot to the unknown ...


Finally I relaxed ... The first bathing in the sea.



We arrived at the destination! Tent city in the woods.



Sunset over the Black Sea in the village Lebedivka. Ukraine.



Our tent apartments ... and a toilet with a view of the sea :)



I called her: angry bird :) ... Pizza is all for me!



Beautiful Sunday near the Black Sea ...



I will continue to tell about my next 7 days ... Thank you for your visit!



Beautiful Pictures You Share With us.
My 100 % upvote for this post.

I think you sapend beautiful sunday at the beach and thank you to share with us💋

Waaoo Muy interesante, full energía

A great place the Black Sea ... to spend 21 days there, that's nice!

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