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RE: Havey’s Australia & New Zealand Adventure Part 10 – Auckland, New Zealand

in #travel5 years ago

I don't know the type of tree but it was a big one right opposite and seemed to drop little orange/brown seeds(?) or leaves which were the culprit. Just don't step on them otherwise they'd stick to you and stink out the vehicle you're in!

Yes we didn't get to spend too long in Auckland as we had to head up north early the next day and with these trips they have a very full itinerary but I explored what I could and it is a pretty cool city... I'm just not a city person. There is a lot to do and Auckland really isn't far away from nature, none of the cities in NZ are really so there's plenty to enjoy!

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We get berries that stick, not sure about stink all over the place at this time of year, always have a brush in the car to clean off prior to jumping in.

My husband was blown away with how pretty Auckland is, I personally would prefer to visit the south island if I was traveling that far.

These pictures are just some of the ones I took (and nabbed from online) but there is a pretty cool Street called Queen St (I think) which has all the major shops down there. I'm sure there's a lot more to do but there's a few places to go and things to see.

I'll be getting on to the south Island in 10 travel blogs or so. I'd have to agree that the south Island is certainly more spectacular in terms of mountain scenery but the north still has its wow factors 🙂

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