The World's Largest Breasts Peak / 世界上最大的胸罩-贞丰双乳峰

in #travel8 years ago (edited)


Today, I found a beautiful photo from my album, Shangrao Sanqingshan Mountain is located in north-eastern part of Jiangxi Province, Mountains in a very famous attraction, called the Goddess Peak,From a distance the rock like a girl, like a girl in Sichun, so it has become a landmark of the Mountains,
Sichun goddess, is simply to make Heaven, gods,Magical sculptures of nature.

今天在翻看旅行的照片,看到一张在三清山拍摄的图像,三清山位于位于中国江西省上饶市玉山县, 三清山一个非常出名的景点,叫女神峰, 从远处看这个岩石很像一个少女,很像一个少女在思春,所以这也成为了为三清山标志性景观,思春女神,简直就是天设地造,鬼斧神工, 是大自然的神奇雕塑,成就了三清山这尊美妙无比的艺术珍品!


Here I want to introduce more amazing, because it is the world's first and unique,
Breasts Peak is located in Guizhou Zhenfeng, 1265.8 meters above sea level, the relative
height of more than 261.8 meters,It resembles one pair of lifelike, vivid, charm rounded breasts.
More surprising is that, viewed from different angles, Different ages breasts, the shape is not the same,
From the perspective of viewing platform, the breasts peak is 20 years of age,Change the angle of view is 500 meters,breasts peak to 40 years of age,1000 m viewing angle is 60 years of age breasts peak,
Zhenfeng breasts peak is known as "the world wonders", Men will read the heart, the woman looked blush.

双乳峰处于贵州省贞丰县, 海拔1265.8米,相对高度261.8 多米,酷似一对栩栩如生、形象逼真、风韵圆润的双乳。更为出奇的是,从不同的角度观看,是不同年龄阶段的双乳形状。如,从观峰台的角度看,是20来岁年龄的双乳峰,换500米角度观看是40来岁年龄的双乳峰,再换500米角度观看是60岁年龄的双乳峰,真是大自然的鬼斧神工, 贞丰双乳峰被称为“天下奇观”、“地质绝品”, 这对山峰让所让男人,女人们看了都会心动和脸红





(credit from baidu)
People called breasts peak as mother of the earth
For thousands of years, people have been the local Buyi breasts peak as "Mother Earth" and "source of life" to worship, Men and women far and near. There are even some believers and tourists to the mountain burned incense and bowed down, Praying, seeking money, or pray for peace

大地的母亲 - 贞丰双乳峰





Zhenfeng people are more humorous, open-minded, but also very thoughtful of them had proposed a bold vision: to collect worldwide bra breasts peak,
Then declare the Guinness Book of World Records, and held a "ceremony wearing a hood," Breasts Peak is not only the first in the world, and is the world's only
然后申报吉尼斯世界纪录,并举行一个“戴罩大典”, 双乳峰不仅是世界第一,而且是世界唯一


Like photography friends can go and see, there are many rocks in China, such as Guangdong Province is located in the Seven Wonders of Danxia Mountain Renhua County, Yang Yuan-shih, and Danxia stone yin and yang

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst


People called breasts peak as mother of the earth
I can see why , the place is simply wonderfull!

I want to go there!

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