
It does make one wonder... Especially with the advances of mathematics made back then. Were the people overall brighter? Seems even the people of the 1700s were polymaths.

I know, it is staggering to think what they achieved so much with just some maths and a lot of brute force.

The people back then did know a hell of a lot more than later generations until as you say the 1700's and a little earlier.
The knowledge of math and perspective was 'rediscovered' during the renaissance in the 15th century.
It shows us that there have been times when humanity seems to go backwards in terms of knowledge?

The detail and elaborate nature of these buildings is amazing. I enjoyed looking over the various blueprints and seeing the planning involved. Stones in the hundreds of tons still boggles my brain.

It is staggering. 1200 tons one stone alone. And a 1600+ ton stone it the quarry? It beggars belief.
It's little wonder that people have come up with such fanciful notions about how it was built?
It seems superhuman?

So interesting to read the history and detail of this place crazy amazing when you consider how old it is

Blew my mind considering also where it is. 7,000 feet above sea level in the mountains?
They couldn't have found a more inaccessible place? 2,000 years ago?

Exactly it was such an engineering feat in those times

Still at a loss why I never visited there

What a shame you never got to see it first hand? It is stunning. Were you working in Lebanon?

I spend 3 years in Lebanon many years ago

It's an amazing country with some great sites to see.
I filmed a lot of places but the results were not as good as I would have liked or what it deserves.
At least it gives me an excuse to go back and do it again but better next time. :)

It really is some of the scenery is breathtaking

The mountains are fantastic and we will be going back there.
My daughter has a house up in Tannourine.

Just read you Baalbek post. Fascinating stuff. The Roman's had this built? How does Baalbek compare to their best architecture in Rome? Is it better or just as good ?

The temple of Jupiter has the largest Roman columns ever built.
It was considered a key location as Baalbek was a major trading post on the old silk road to China.
The remaining complex is in very good condition as it was buried for centuries but suffered some damage in an earthquake.
I haven't been to Rome yet so really couldn't make a comparison.
It's on my list to go to Rome soon. ;)
Have you been?

No, not been to Rome. The drawings of Baalbek look so impressive as well as the description. Plus the size. Didn't know something like that existed 2000 yrs ago even in Rome.

It is a massive temple complex comprising 3 temples. There's a link to the previous video in this series in this post. Worth a look. You will see the size of the place. It's staggering. It was a major city that they unearthed? It had fallen out of memory for over 1600 years!?

Thank you for posting this! What an amazing piece of historical architecture this is! I have to question my own thoughts on how far we have come. What kind of math skill they possessed! Are we any better, especially without the benefit of a computer? I cannot even fathom how this structure could be accomplished physically without modern equipment.

Thank you for posting this awesomely amazing structure! I want to see it!

Upvoted and Resteemed

They had pretty advanced maths skills and an almost limitless supply of slaves from all over the Roman empire.
Hassan the guide told us that the conditions were appalling for the slaves. It's in the video at about 20 minutes in.
Worth a listen if you bear with it ;)
Thanks for the resteem@dswigle

I did and it was! I still cannot understand the sheer magnitude of their strength in putting up some of those buildings that are all around the world.

Yes, our math skills are shameful compared to theirs!

That's great to hear. It sure is mind boggling. One stone weighed over 1600 tons!? One stone. It's astonishing.
You can understand why some people think aliens must have been involved?
We don't have many cranes that could lift that kind of weight even today?
It's a huge mystery.

TRUTH!!! It has always boggled my mind!

Wow! That's really interesting to see.

Glad you liked it @craiglong it was truly awe inspiring.

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