Belgium - The City of Dinant

in #travel6 years ago

Thanks for joining me in my adventures. This blog is dedicated to travels off the beaten path. You won't find my review of Disney World here, but you might just discover a new way to explore your world. If you're a fan of the road less traveled, I think you'll like what we have in store today.


Dinant, Belgium

There are many places in Belgium which get all the attention - Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent - but one of the shining stars of this small country is Dinant in the Sourthern part of the Walloon Region. Southern Belgium is full of rolling hills and lush forests with trees sparkling with personality. We drove in from the South after having spent several days in nearby Switzerland and were impressed immediately by the quick change in the landscape. The countryside went from small hills to large, rolling mountains; from pasture to thick wooded areas, and from dry lands to rivers running through each valley.



The Cathedral

One of the main attractions of Dinant is it's 13th Century Cathedral, which can be seen in the image above. The Cathedral appears to be built into the side of the mountain itself. It is undergoing renovations, but seems to have a held up rather well over the centuries.

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The face of the building presents in creamy ivory and soot grey. It places, hints of gold streak down the walls, likely caused by the slow deterioration of some stone or another used in the construction. The longer one looks at the building, the more intricate the details appear. This type of construction would be a massive undertaking today, with modern technology and convenience. To have completed it in the 13th century is a mind-boggling concept.


The Town

Dinant is full of old buildings, heavy with propriety, which seem to say we can withstand anything. The buildings are full of grace and charm, and often covered in the ivy of the season. A proud country, the Belgium flag flies at every opportunity. Statues speckle the old town, looking down from courtyards and across plazas, inviting visitors to come just a little bit closer to admire the handiwork.


A mix of traditionalism and modernism is visible throughout the city, with historic buildings celebrating the citizenry through large murals like those above. The inventor of the saxopohone, Adolphe Sax, was said to have been from Dinant, and the town makes a point to share that knowledge with everyone. Images and statues of saxophones are ubiquitous throughout the city, and there is even a life-size statue of Adolphe sitting on a bench downtown.


Dinant Heritage

The celebration of traditional heritage continues with the bas relief depicted on buildings throughout Dinant. The lion is a symbol which has been associated with Dinant's coat of arms as far back as 1399, according to this site. To see such pride throughout a city is impressive. It suggests a feeling of community and history rather than individuality.


There were small touches hearkening back to the medieval days as well, such as this metal figure projecting from the side of a building. There were a series of them, all cast from the same mold, and set about hip high into the wall. They look as though they were designed to hold something, a bag perhaps, or tie a horse to while you ran errands around town. It looks as though they are hinged, allowing them to fold flat, so perhaps they were used to hold weapons at the ready or swords even...but who would leave their sword on the side of a building?

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The countryside around Dinant boasts impressive trees, thick and ancient. Join me next time for a walk through the woods. In the meantime, find me at Travel Life Services to book your own exploration of a hidden gem.

Happy Travels!



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All text and photos are my own. Thanks to @steemitbloggers for great text dividers and footers.
Originally posted here, but also posted here on WEKU.


Great photos. Interesting place.

And, you have a nice writing style ... your writing flows 'effortlessly' ... it draws one into the story.


Why thank you ever so! And don't think I've forgotten about the pants-off dance-off. It's happening. I'm simply waiting for the right moment.


Actually, the purpose of my comment was to be a subtle reminder. And, you know, dancing with no pants on ... that's another surefire way to draw people into the story. :-)


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I'm super stoked to be part of the family! :-D

So pretty! Amazing country. Kind of like the hidden jewel of Europe and right in the middle of everything. Really enjoyed reading your post looking forward to the next one!

Thanks! I've been a slacker lately, but I should get back to my every other day posting pretty soon.

This looks nice; I've only been to the Atomium so not seen much of Belgium

The Atomium sounds neat. I'll have to google it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Beautiful post. Of course I know Belgium. I've been there myself... but Dinant? What? Nope, never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing! 😉

Yay! I'm glad I was able to share a new place with you.

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WHAT a great post!
Like you were my tour guide for going to Dinant!

Thanks! Next stop on our tour will be the Citadel, site of a 600 person massacre. Hold onto your seat-belts, it's about to get bumpy.

Great post @mattifer

Lots of detail and some great pics.

I have only really driven through Belgium (Ostend port) to get to Holland. So I haven't really experienced it properly. Yet!


Thanks, and I'm glad you stopped by. I drove through France to get to Belgium, and I'm rather glad I did. Someday, I'll visit France on its own. Maybe that will be the same time that I go back to live in Belgium. It was that great!

France is so awesome it will be well worth the visit. It is so diverse in it's terrain and there is definitely something for everyone.

I'll try to make sure I can spend at least a week exploring. What do you recommend as a must see?

My favourite part of France is the Alps. I love the mountains and the whole vibe there in the summer or the winter is very cool. The south coast is awesome too. We have spent a bit of time in Villefranche, Menton and Monaco. Lastly we have friends on the Rhone just south of Lyon and that's a beautiful area too. And of course Paris.

So much to choose from.

I'll definitely have to check out the Alps. I loved exploring them in various countries during my last trip.

I just loved the second image, I was wondering how did you managed to capture it ..
I would love to visit Belgium for tomorrowland

Thanks! I got the second image while walking up the 400 steps to the citadel. The cathedral is built into the side of a cliff with the citadel on the top of the cliff. It's quite neat to see, although I wasn't able to get a picture that clearly shows it.

This is such a typical Belgian weather, lol 😂 it's the first thing that caught my attention. It is a beautiful country but so much rain and fog can be very frustrating after a while...

Great post, Jen! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for stopping by! I guess the pictures make it look a little overcast, but it was actually quite beautiful the days I was there. We were at the tail end of the heat wave and the heat had finally dipped to a reasonable temperature. Not a drop of rain in sight!

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