How The World is UPSIDE DOWN

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Grass is always greener on the other side.

Ever notice how we always want things that others have? I think it happens most of the time when we compare our lives. It also appears to be the foundation of today's society.Not to mention that I think about it lot and just yesterday I found @celestal post about Suomieksotiikkaa SAATANA! - Spring Phenomena and how it resonates with my recent weekend getaway to the beach. He mentioned that

Haha, it's always too cold in Finland, except those few precious sunny summer days.

Now let's have a look into my story.

I went to the beach with my acquaintances as early as 4 am. I stayed at their crib the other night because they knew I would never wake up at 4 am not even 10. We had a lot of fun going on especially myself when I stayed away from my laptop and do whatever people at my age do. I really enjoyed their company and how they were fun to be with except when the said I had to wear a certain color for the beach because photograph purpose. Nonetheless, I said yes to it.

At their place we didn't need an alarm because five cats served the purpose. So like, I woke up to cats eating their meal then one of it puked in front of me. I went to wash my face and ready to hit the road at frickkin 4 am. It was neither cold nor hot. The wind was perfect and I couldn't wait to tan myself.

Everyone dressed up as if they were going to a shopping mall while I was just in my t-shirt, jacket, my shorts and flip flops. I mean who dressed up at 4 am? The journey was amazing, we stopped at the mosque because one of the girl had to pray while the rest and I were waiting outside, laughing to our agnosticism.

I had a conversation with one of the girl since I asked them the reason why we were going very early.

me : why are we going so early?
her : To avoid the sun and the road gets hot.
me : Aren't we going to the beach because the sun?
her : No, I just want to swim and leave before the sun gets hotter.
me : okay.

We visited one among couple of beaches along the south coast. It was as if we played downhill except that it was a real thing. Many of us struggled making it through but finally we reached the beautiful empty beach. Then I realized that perhaps beautiful destination had this difficult bumpy road. Here we go, look at how blue it was.

Then the girls were saying " Let's pick a place in a shade"

I love this candid shot

So we picked a place that was covered from the sun while I just put my rucksack there and lay in the sun while reading a book from Dale Carnegie,

Well that was me before toasting my skin into the sun and looked really happy.

Long short story, one of the girl didn't bring extra pants while I brought my jeans with me so I gave it to her and wore my shorts.

two of the girls : are you sure? it's going to be very hot! (while shaking their head)
me : yeah why not?

Then we went back at 11 because it was hotter. I was very happy because my skin was somewhat roasted perfectly eventhough I felt itchy burn because I did not apply the sunscreen thoroughly.

Anyway, as far as I know many girls in my place wants to have fair skin which is why fairness cream is very popular. Having a fair skin is considered as attractive. Not to mention even some says it's about the social standing of one's in the society. This horrified me because of the teenage girl I talk to made a remarks saying

How can you be so fair? I am jealous.

And here I am finding sun kissed to be attractive.

Back again, grass is always greener on the other side.

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@travelfeed thank you so much for the support!

Back again, grass is always greener on the other side.

It's funny how true this is: all Finns want a nice tan, and then Indians, for example, want a fair skin - apparently some Indonesians too - to look like us :D

We still have some extremely beautiful scenery here in Finland which you can see from the photography of some other Finns too, but grumby Finns just like to dislike everything, especially when it's grey and cold. But summers are still decent, especially in July-August for the most part, wouldn't even like it much hotter than 20-25 degrees which is quite ideal for a cold hardened Finn like me.😄 Though sometimes the climate gets fucked up and we end up getting snow in mid summer which happened few years ago. 🤨 Also in Southern-Finland we tend to have a black Christmas nowadays and get permanent snow only after new year. So, indeed the world is sometimes "upside down", haha.

See, now you know how upside down the world is! also 20-25 Celcius is nothing compared to what I have down here and it can roast your skin perfectly.

Yeah I'm sure there's plenty enough warmth down there. 😅

Awesome story! I love how different you seem to be from many of your family members, friends and acquaintances

In the West (especially the North West), we all want to be more tanned but yet many discriminate people who have a natural color

If everybody would know that we're all made from the same stardust and we would love others for their differences/ uniqueness, the world would be an ever more beautiful place :>)

Hugs from Portugal,


@vincentnijman maybe I am stranded here ! well, even I roasted my skin I still have not the tan I desire! ah how lucky they are to have a tan!

Did you know that strand is actually Dutch for beach? It's interesting that stranded means washed up on the beach but a beach isn't called a strand in English :>)

I usually get sunburnt, red with some color. And later, I loose the redness - and usually shed some skin - and get back to being quite pale again. I guess you just can't have it all ;>)

I can fry the whole day long without any effect, maybe because of that time invested in something that doesn't come so naturally the sun kissed tan is appreciated on this side of a fence... Anyways, I stopped trying ages ago, I am just fine with whatever shade I am, in my case ghostly 'blahite'...

@aschatria, oh poor you! Maybe you haven't buttered yourself enough to be roasted perfectly? I so want to have a perfect toast skin. It's not bad to keep trying having some sun kissed tan even so, my skin will be back again as soon as I am becoming basement dweller for days!

Pantai, matahari dan gadis adalah kombinasi cerita yang sempurna. Sesempurna cerita samudera.

@rismanrachman hehe :-D musim panas dimulai, mari berjemur supaya sehat !

Ombak laut di Aceh mengundang dirimu datang ke mari


there no more fairness cream only around, whitening injection? there are a lot, and scary. .

you said it right, the grass is always greener outside,,eventough it is a syntetic one. lol

@ekavieka ah yes, even there's tan injection and I was like whaaat! maybe we all should appreciate whatever we have xD

@macchiata lovely post..;realy like reading it, may i hope you enjoy the time with friends , greetings

@jackjohanneshemp ! go out and have some sun! is it summer already in Belgium?

here its spring but have a lot ofrl work for the comming festifals so ..2 weeks and i can start enjoy and make fun i ges , greetings

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