Dealing With The Post-Travel Fatigue And Returning to Ordinary Days

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Despite that I think we all have different reasons to travel, post-travel fatigue is the common feeling after the euphoria. The things we do were filling our adrenaline that makes everything looks exciting. As for my own case, traveling is equal taking my supplements that helps me stay afloat, thus it is always a major issue I have to face after I come to my flat.

Since early of this year I seem to be traveling almost non-stop and I keep on learning how to face post-travel fatigue. At first it was not easy, It took me about 3 weeks before I can function normally and have more positive outlook. Here are several things I learn and perhaps you can try so we can minimalize any possible problems caused by post travel fatigue.

Pre- Travel : Clean your place before leaving

The worse thing can happen after a travel is seeing your place like a ship wreck. Thus, It is best to have some to-do list, taking out the trash, wash dishes and take dirty clothes to laundry. That way, upon returning, you can just have some more rest without worrying about smelly dishes or laundry.

I am a practitioner of minimalism and that lifestyle have helped me lower my stress when it comes to my living space. However, there are times when it is really cluttered and I just want to pack my bag again and go somewhere.

Avoid Burnout by Having Reasonable Travel Plan

I think it depends with each person but a quality is better than quantity experiences. I know perhaps you want to see more places but always ask yourself " Would I like to go back here again?"; if the answer is yes, maybe you can skip particular place and save it for later.

A reasonable travel plan includes a good night rest and a time to relax after visiting a particular place. My mistake was I too often cram places in a day because limited time. Lately, I ask myself that question and I know, I can go back there again in 5 years or even 10 years, it won't matter. The place will still be there anyway.

Have some recovery days

Yes, have some recovery days but not too much. It is going to be awful if you book a flight or going back home a day before your work. I tend to do this because I still have to go to school. It was a crazy lifestyle and wore me out so often. That way was not sustainable because in the end, I would skip more classes due exhaustion.

Often I go straight to class after the airport or train hassle with my face looking very exhausted and dirty shoes. However, lately I have more sustainable plan by booking two days before I go back to class again. That way, I can have a day rest, some coffee, and unpacking my back.

Plan a new travel

If you are a travel junkie, you will most likely travel in the next two weeks or so. The thought of keep moving keeps you afloat thus planning about the next travel getaway will help you to have something to think about after an adventurous days. I think it will also remind you how nice it is when your hard work pays off.

What are your ways dealing with the post-travel fatigue?

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Awesome article aaand I DO all that! Ok ok I get it, I'm a travel freak haha! Indeed :D
Especially the 'clean my place before leaving' - It's OCD, I just CAN'T leave it whatever.... I NEED to leave everything perfect...!!!!


I am glad to hear back from you <3

hahahahaha I think that leaving our living space clean is a must, so after a long flights- we can just instantly sleep. Oh lord! I had once forgotten a dishes and it was horrible. Then, I texted my friend and stayed at their place instead :D

How have you been?!

....aaaand checking your next post now :D

Mahahaha come oooon really???? :P Never forget the dishes 'cause yeah, it's reaaaally bad - don't wanna deal with it when I get home all tired xD
But this thing that usually we need vacation from ....vacation is so funny - and true though!!!

Busy bee, trying to catch up with everything here 'cause real life is getting a loooot in the way!!! xD
How about you??? Still OCDing? :D

@meanmommy33, I am still OCDing :') I always love it!

I think there's nothing much happening in my life other than I am on the road, goofing around trying to talk more with hooman xD

Thank you for catching up with my posts! I am trying to be more frequent because I was somewhat in a rock bottom. Glad I made it through!

We always do...we're strong girls, right??? :)))

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Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

I do try to prep in advance, clean dishes and make things half decent. I always wish I had more recovery time, though. Nice article.

You got a 58.02% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @macchiata!

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