The OId Dog Says: Forget Fast Food, What do You Think of This SLOW Food? Mmmmm or Ughhhhhh?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

Slow food? Snails are slow and they are considered a delicacy especially when they're called escargot!

Today, during our 3 day tour of the Barolo Region of Italy we ended off our exploration of the area by visiting the town of Bra (I know, I know, it looks funny in English but that's the name!). What did we find there?

While in Bra we Surmised  That Snail is a Much Loved Delicacy!

I consider myself quite open minded and adventurous when it comes to food, especially for an Old Dog like me! I have, in fact, tried Escargot in fine French restaurants, Frog in the Canadian Wilderness and even snake in Morocco! Hey, I'm even impressing myself!

I've always thought of snail, though, as cooked in butter and served just one way. Imagine my surprise when I found an entire shop in Bra that is dedicated to snail! 

Here is The Snail Shop! The Best Place to Buy Slow Food!

So here's the store. "Lumache" is the Italian word for Snail and this shop is all snail all the time! The Sign reads "Snails of High Quality!"

 More Pictures Showing All The Different Snail Preparations!

Here are different sauces made from Snails. Hot and spicy, with spinach and bacon, with mushrooms etc...

So much to choose from and so little time! These jars have snails in the shell that have been marinated in different flavored oils.

Cans of snails and empty shells to serve the different preparations in.

More snail shells and a holder to both cook and serve all things snail.

Here is a poster advertising different beauty products made form snails!

We even saw this butcher shop in Bra (there's that name again) advertising Snail Salami!

So When it Comes to Snail is it Mmmmm or Ughhhhhhh?

I believe that when it comes to cuisine it's all a matter of what you're used too, what you grew up with. Having said that, and at the cost of seeming close minded, for me it's an ughhhh. Hey, maybe I could change my mind but for now I'll stick with other things!

What About You?

  • Would you be interested in trying these various snail preparations?
  • Are you an open minded and adventurous eater?
  • What is the most unusual thing that you've sampled?

I hope that you enjoyed this article "Forget Fast Food, What do You Think of This SLOW Food? Mmmmm or Ughhhhhh?"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


I used to eat snails, and loved them, in Marrakesh many years ago. But haven't had any since. Not sure why.

Marrakesh! That's where I ate snake!

Why did you have to go all the way to Marrakesh to eat snake? I thought you had a big one around your home.

ha ha ha I thought it is hilarious when you say it this way. :)

Sure beats fast food, I might actually give snails a try now,...;)

Go for it and let me know!


Sorry, no idea and no comments fact a loooong commentary if you care to read:

Why Am I Concerned With Your Eating Habits?

God bless you!

Hi @xyzashu, I know and respect your thinking on the subject. Thanks for the link!

Slow cooked snails, a delicious taste, have to eat them fast...

hii dear @kus-knee, in detail you wrote there about "Slow Food" included snails and different dishes and very amazing pictures shared.i think you enjoyed much.your excitement shows your enjoyement. thanks dear for sharing wonderful well written article.good luck.
Steem On!

Thanks so much @rabeel!

Surely they are delicious, but I would never eat them as they are animals that suffered before dying. Recently I ate everything, various meat and seefood (but never ate snails), then I became very ill this year, in February. As I recovered, all meats, fish and other animal flesh (no matter is it raw or roast) became smelly, stinky for me! I'm sick of the smell of barbecue! Since that time I eat only veggies, cereals and organic dairy, sometimes organic eggs.
Of course I think fastfood is unhealthy. I eat slowly, after I blessed my food in this way: Thanks for the Creator! Thanks for Mother Earth! And thanks for all the people that helped me to have this food! Let become light in us!

@kalemandra, I'm glad that you have chosen veggies & cereals as your diet over animals. And I'm impressed that one of the reasons you mentioned is to not to contribute to the sufferings of the animals. But did you know animals do suffer and are even slaughtered to produce egg and dairy too? So are these too gonna off your plate soon or are you okay with it?

Yes, I know, that's why I buy only homestead goat-cheese and homestead eggs. These are all organic, and the animals live in a natural way, eating natural food. I avoid factory-food.

Well, good to hear that! I don't feel comfortable to prolong the discussion here but soon I'd be writing a post on this subject and would send you a link to it. It will be my pleasure if you can go through it (it won't be too lengthy, I promise).

Thanks for your attention and kind thoughts towards all sentient beings! 💓

Sometimes I feel like adopting that diet as well. actually I don't eat much meat at all. Tonight it's a BIG salad and garlic bread!

That's good! Salad with green spices, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and some Mozzarella, with a fresh baguette :))) Yummy-yummy!

I completely agree with you, everyone has a different concept of food, it comes from childhood, I will not eat snails a.

So true but we can change!

My father made snail food and they are really delicious. But your title - Slow Food - made me laugh to tears when I realized you were talking about snails @kus-knee tip! 0.1

Thanks a lot. Much appreciated!

You are welcome - exellent - amazing - Champion post and unique @kus-knee Old Lion

Certo abbiamo una grande tradizione di lumache, piccole , piccolissime (gioga minuda si chiamano in Sardo) poi ci sono le "monzette", quelle grandi grandi...insomma ce n'è per tutti i gusti. Si prendono al mercato o più semplicemente in giardino, appena finisce di piovere...Personalmente non amo molto mangiarle. Però però...uso la "Bava di lumaca" che è un miracolosa e rigenerante pozione per il viso...(ma non è vero...niente miracoli....)

Quando qualcuno ha una tosse qui si usa il sciroppo di lumache.

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