Moving abroad...Not an easy deal for everybody

in #travel6 years ago

It is always nice talking with others about their ideas of moving abroad. And most of all, it is nice to hear differences when you are talking to people about emigration. The wide variety of reactions is in the end not so wide, if you look at it closer. Big changes are scary for people, and that is why so often they will not feel familiar to it. Because it is 'strange' to them.


  • 'Ow wauw. I have always wanted something like that, but it is so much more difficult in my situation than in yours.'

  • 'Arent you afraid you are going to lose everything you have now?'

  • 'When are you going to stop fooling around?'

  • 'Dont you like your country?'

  • 'When are you going to come home'

  • 'I love the idea of what you are doing, but it is just not for me

Luckily all my loved ones always tell me: I just want you to be happy, wherever that may be.


And in these days there are so many ways of communicating with each other that it all feels as if we are very close to each other. Although in the end nothing beats the real life meetups.

One of the things that also makes a differences for all my moving trips, is that I feel like I am quite good prepared. And this I mean not in a way of I have all my stuff arranged, but more the mental aspect of it. I know what I am stepping into, and most of the times I already know people who live there, so I know what to expect.


On Dutch televison there is always this program called 'Ik vertrek' (translated 'I am leaving'). Although I have actually never watched it to be honest, this program is often hot topic for people who went to live abroad to see how others are doing this.

The series follows people who are making a move in living abroad, following their journey towards their exit, and checking in months later to see how the are doing. As you understand, the people in these series are often making all rookie mistakes ;)

Expectations and realistic goals

One of the things that often goes wrong is that people have the wrong and irrealistic impression of where they are stepping into. Also often they have no idea of why a culture is the way it is, and they are not willing to adapt to it.

Yes, those things will make you life super difficult.

If you are building a hotel in the middle of nowhere, you will have to make some friends in the region. Because at some point you permits might get rejected, of you will need local suppliers for your stuff. You can not get that done if you only talk in your 'old' language and act like a dick.

If you plan of building a miniature golfcourse, but the place you want to do this turns our to be a protected nature reserve, life might get difficult. Especially with resources running out.

If you plan of opening a spare rib restaurant in a country where the pig is considered a filthy animal, you might not get the business you would expect ;)

Again, preparation is key, and the ability to adapt.

That is why for me it is never a bad idea to start out working for a boss in a new country. You learn the culture at your job, and it will give you some time and salary to make a realistic plan on what you want to do. You have to be somewhere for a while to prevent yourself from making rookie mistakes, so why rush yourself into it?

Because lets be honest, being somewhere for a week or two makes every country seem idyllic. Reality might just be a bit disappointing. Think in the bigger picure!

Prepare on it!

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Good read karin...✌️

Thx Dalexx meister. I still see so manhy fools around me in this hahaa


Nice posting..homesick is real!! But still be grateful because you have the opportunity to visit other places.. enjoy and God bless..

Homesick is very real actually! Every time i move to a different place I always miss my family and the normality of thing around me a lot.

As you say, I am very very grateful to have all of these opportunities, but it does take some preparation ofcourse. Chances do not fall of the sky all of a sudden. You have to MAKE it work.

The best way for a move to another country is to do the prep work first. And moving can be done if you really want to. I moved with my family (husband and to sons) to a country with a different culture and language than my own. You can't go with rose coloured glasses and hope all will be well. There are adjustments to be made. Adapting to the new country means you need to take on the language and the culture or you won't survive.

Exactly. And so many people are not willing to make that full concession. i think people really underestimate how much speech does, and how dependant you are in acceptance from your community if you do or do not speak the language good.

That is why I went to the Berlin language school. The lady from the buro said she sound my level of German good enough for applying for the job. But I went because I also want to understand the conversations at the coffee machine to blend in. That is the extra effort you should alays be willing to make.

It definitely makes life easier if you can speak the language. You can blend in a bit better.

I'm from Oregon. Was living in Vietnam for 5 years. Yeah, people tell me how they are not brave to do what I did. Travel can be an adventure. You can feel like Peter Pan.

That is a really nice trip you had there for 5 years in Vietnam. Not a bad country to live in I presume?

Indeed, you must also have had so many reactions on that you moved to there. Everybody wants it, but it is all to mumbo jumbo far away or too scary to actually make people willing to make the effort. :)

I love the people in Vietnam. Very interesting. Debt stops people from moving abroad. We go to college. Graduate, go to work, to pay back loans. We take out more load. So many people get lost in the routines and cycles and habits and lifestyles of debt cycles. We do stuff to make money to buy stuff but then we buy more than we have and then we do more things to pay back what we did not have to then do it again all over again. So, it can be tough for people to travel because they get busy.

I totally get it! In that kind of way it is not too bad too live out of 3 suitcases as I have been doing quite some years now haha. Break through the cycle. Not liking being attacted to too much stuff

Awesome, travel light, live even lighter than air, to fly like a bird, don't know where my home is, but I'm like a bird, I wanna fly away, great song hehe.

Ben je nog in NL dan moet je een aflevering IK VERTREK terugkijken dat is zo much fun

Ik denk dat vandaag daar de perfecte dag voor gaat zijn! Ik heb er bijna zin in zelfs om te zien wat voor een falen mensen allemaal toch wel niet intrappen. hehehe

Ja echt he.... naar Slovenië met 800 euro om saar een hele luxe glamping te beginnen ! Tuurlijk net als die fortune hunters hier op steemit die denken ff bloggen dan cashen 😬 Ja als je wilt lachen dan ff bindgen op de bank met ik VERREK 😂😂

Ik denk dat ik daar nog zo een koude dag als vandaag nog wel aan ga besteden :D

Vet grappig, ze hebben echt totaal niet in de gaten dat hun plan een fiasco gaat worden

I saw a few episodes of the program you mentioned. Unbelievable how people can go to live abroad without doing some research. They also buy houses (to open a B&B) that are a construction trap or have no electricity or running water (to name a few problems).
I am glad that you are much better prepared.

Exactly, I do not understand at all how people much such gigantic choices without doing any research. Often they still have schoolgoing kids involved, Im sorry...but WHAT are you doing then. Im not am mother, butI would make sure that literally EVERYTHING is taken care of before I drag my child into nomansland.

The series is superfunny and it shows how naive people can be sometimes. I think I am also a bit better prepared even though I feel I am still not hahahah

Feeling like an alien in my home country made it really easy to live abroad....I shouldn’t say easy but, natural. I don’t have the same level of bias towards my home country so I feel I can judge things more objectively and understand the culture without feeling forced to conform to it. I did try to conform in my first destination (Japan) and learned so much from that but ultimately realized I needed to be myself and could do that without forfeiting a true understanding.

I get ya. I makes you feel like leaving the country is such a big step.

Japan as a first new destination? That is like a totally different world on itself right? Adapting to that and blending in seems quite like a task, I would believe. On the other hand, going from city organized life to a small island in the Caribbean was also quite a big change, and that was not really so hard to do at all. haha

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