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RE: Siberia Travel - My Shaman Drum (Part 25) (en-de)

in #travel7 years ago

This drum gives me the shudder and shake! It is very powerful. It is good that it is in the right hands!! I couldn't believe that you area serious healer/ shaman because you look so young. But, in fact you are an old soul! with so many seasons of traveling and reincarnations.

I meant to look at you blogs sevral weeks ago, but I travel all the time and the Internet connection in the countryside is very, very SLOW! This blog of yours will take me several weeks to read.

Thank you for sharing something really very sacred and precious.



Thank you so much for the detailed comment, this means a lot to me.
Some day you will find the time to go through the posts they will not go away :)
And I promise you, there are many things you will like a lot!

You know, if you were living in a town next to me, I will probably go to see you once a week just to learn something from you! You'll have to put up a sign ' not home today' or put a dog in front of your house!!

I have been looking for someone like this, from whom I could learn and have my questions answered. But I am no longer a small kid, so I will be independent and learn what I could from your texts.

Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity! By the way, this is the first time I encounter a healing drum! A new experience for me, I normally use Tibetan bowl for healing myself.

See you! Cheers.

Have you found the video with the drum sound? (It is in part 27)

Yes , I did. I just followed the link you posted in other people's comments. This is surprising that many people are interested in this subject. Your videos of visit to the elders or healers' houses are quite good.

I just browsed through things as if I was in a book shop, with so many interesting books, not knowing which one to read first. So I opened many books at once and dived in!
I will gather things and bring home to slowly digest and comprehend more deeply.

Many thanks @schamangerbert. for all these knowledge and wisdom!

My pleasure, if any questions about special subjects, feel free to ask.

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