
I now, after being out of the country for so long, they even took me by surprise. Even living in Upstate NY, the highways are at most 4 lanes. South Florida is heavily populated, so they've made these roads huge! How big do the highways get in Denmark? Do you even need a car there?

Hahaha! Yeah, it's actually crazy! I also sometimes think about USA compared to Canada. Roughly same size but 10 times the population is living in the States - it is absolutely crazy! The maximum we have (I think) is three lanes. This is only near the capital for roughly 20 km (give or take), but usually we just have to lanes on the highways. In the cities it's just one lane. You can honestly be completely fine without a car. The country is tiny (max 45 minutes from the coast, no matter where in the country you are), and the public transportation system is fairly good. Also, the taxes on cars used to be 180% (I kid you not) until a year or two ago. Now it's "down" to 150% and might fall to 120% soon. So yeah, the tiniest car is roughly 20 grand for a new one. Not worth it - especially not as a student ;-)

Wow, nothing like motor city USA. Such great info! Thanks for sharing! -Dan

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