in #travel7 years ago


As I reached my twenty two years of existence, I have decided to go solo backpacking in the most north part of our country Philippines. It is said by Oscar Wilde “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.” For me, when I travel I discover something about myself. It gives me an idea that there is so much that life can offer. All you just have to do is explore. It's also my way to escape the very toxic life in the city. I chose Ilocos Norte for I want to unlock one of my childhood bucket lists which is to have an up close shot with the famous Windmills located in Bangui. I have been to Ilocos before with my friends but unfortunately we did not head to Bangui Windmills for we ran out of time and as always if you plan with your friends there's a chance that it might not happen. It's also one of my reasons why I prefer traveling alone, you don't have to consider people and so many things prior on making decision.


If you are coming from anywhere on earth you might wanna book flights going directly to Laoag City, Ilocos or Manila Philippines. I flew all the way from Cebu to Manila. In this case, you can get a lot of cheaper flights from different airline company promotions. Normally flights heading directly to Laoag Ilocos are quite expensive and it rarely has ticket promos. It takes less than two hours from Cebu to Manila by plane. I suggest you choose a schedule that flies early in the morning before the sun rises so that you can reach Ilocos atleast noon or late afternoon. Since I have visited popular nearby cities of Ilocos before so I just went directly to Ilocos Norte, Laoag by bus. The ticket costs almost 1,000 pesos and takes eight to ten hours of travel period from Manila. Just go to Pasay Bus Terminal or Cubao Bus Terminal and look for Partas Bus Line Company. Normally they are the ones going to Laoag.


Laoag is the Capital of Ilocos Norte. According to the 2016 census, it has a population of almost 200,000 population. Facing the South China Sea, it normally experiences monsoon climate and typhoons. Ilocos Norte has a bunch of amazing places to explore. They are very rich in culture and natural tourist spots.


One of these is the Paoay Church. It is famous for being tranquil and vintage. You'll truly enjoy this picturesque moment. The Saint Augustine Church often called as Paoay church is located in the heart of municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte in the Philippines. Read my blog about this here PAOAY CHURCH BLOG


Culili Point Paoay Sand Dunes, as far as I know it's the newest sand dunes in paoay and definitely the largest. It is the most thrilling adventure I have ever done in my trip. I was very lucky because there was already a group of people who's ready to take the 4x4 land cruizer ride and since I was only a solo backpacker we just decided that I'll just join them since they are lacking of one member and there it goes I was able to save money and the same time met new friends.


I am hoping to do it again. It's surely an experience you'll be glad to do again. Indeed, it was the best birthday experience I have experienced. One hell of a bumpy-roller coaster joyful ride!


My last and main destination is the Bangui Windmills. What I did going there was that I just took bus heading to Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte since Bangui is just along the high way. If it's your first time there don't hesitate to ask and remind the driver of your drop off point. When you are dropped off at Bangui, there are motorcycles that you can ride going to the seaside of Bangui they normally asks 150-200 pesos already back and fourth ride. To be honest, I didn't feel scared of getting lost there because I did feel that people were very friendly. Whenever you ask them they will really tell you the way and some will really go with you so that you will reach your destination safe. Still it depends on the people but most of them really are.


Before heading back to Manila, of course after a tiring adventure I deserve to try their famous Cheesy Quesadellas at Tacos Del Norte. It is located just in the plaza of Laoag behind the Jeepney terminal.



Indeed, flying solo is a life-changing experience. it's a great chance to make new friends, immerse yourself in the local culture, and get acquainted with the most genuine parts of yourself. That's how I treated myself during my 22nd Birthday. Cheers to more travels in the future alone.

Since I love to meet people and learn different culture so I am more than glad to entertain your questions and comments on my posts. My principle in life is just do whatver makes you happy. You only live once why not just make things happen then? I hope to see you guys on the comments so that I'll be aware of the people whom I need thank to. Just keep calm and read my blogs. For inquiries please feel free to email: mickey.diezz@gmail. I'll be more than glad to interact with you.



Great post, I agree with your thoughts on solo travel!

Thank you. I hope you learned something from my blog :)

awesome post/pictures :) @itinerantph

Great work. Keep on working @itinerantph

Thanks for the interest. Looking forward to interact with you more soon :)

looks delicious :)) @itinerantph

Thanks for the interest. Looking forward to interact with you more soon :)

Nice !! i upvote and follow you :) @itinerantph

Wow. how nice of you. Thank you for the support. Followed you too.

Bantog ra dili ma contak, ga laag2x diay. :)

You can contact me sir through facebook or here. Hehe

Awesome Pictures! Thank you for sharing with us

Upvoted & Followed @itinerantph

Amazing pics!!! Suya q.. hahaha~ belated happy birthday!! :) ^^

Hahaha, Thank you. Mas nice imo blogs dzae very informative specially to those who really like Japanese culture like me.

Hihi~ it's usually on the subculture side though.. like anime, manga and music.. :) Pero let's support each other! ^^ Aja! :D See you soon! Yaaaay~!!! ^^

Looking forward for you to bring some of your artworks sa event. See yah

I'm only bringing my biggest sketchpad... nga ang kato ra aq gcnd nmu ang sulod.. hahaha.. xD I rarely use it man ky dako ra.. lol

Anyway, excited to see all of you soon! Yaaay~!! ^^

loved seeing this journey of yours!

Thanks for the support samuel.

Ahuh! That is why you've gone silently. I'm happy that you traveling alone. I reckon its best thing that you could ever done for yourself. Great place. I'm wishing that someday I can visit there too. 😘

You should visit there manko. People are so nice. They are rich in culture.

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