Best Paris Metro Ticket Options and Helpful Tips for Visitors

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

I recently just completed my trip to Paris for a Wordcamp Europe conference. Even though this is my 4th time visiting Paris, there are still aspects of the Paris transportation that I come across that I'm not aware of. 

And while there are many many resources out in the web describing the many different Paris "get around" methods, I'll be focusing on the helpful tips for visitors using the Paris Metro and the RER trains. While these ticket or pass options also work with the bus and bicycle (Velib), I did not use any of those methods of transportation so I cannot comment or speak for them.

First Tip: Keep Your Ticket!

I know this might be simply common sense, but believe it or not I actually didn't do this the one and only time that it REALLY costed me. 

An early Saturday morning, I took the metro starting from Voltaire and eventually changed at Saint-Denis Strasbourg and Marcadet-Poissonniers to get to the Wordcamp conference near Front Populaire station. What I did was after going through the turnstile at Voltaire ... I simply thought I wouldn't need the single ticket anymore since I had also 9 other tickets when I bought the carnet (book of 10 tickets). 

BIG MISTAKE. And stupid.

Once I was trying to change at Marcadet-Poisonniers, there were ticket checkers around and I unfortunately was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Since not many of them speak English, there was no way I was going to get out of it. The fine without having a validated Metro ticket is  €50, which needs to be paid in cash or debit card only. I could have simply dragged it out, by letting them call the police and then me further explaining the situation, but my time was valuable and I painfully coughed up the amount they wanted and just went on my day at Wordcamp Europe.

So I repeat, do not make this dumb mistake and have a validated ticket with you at all times.

Second Tip: Get the Navigo Découverte Pass

There is a regular Navigo pass, but that pass is only for residents of the city which require identification along with photo to be affixed to the pass. That's not the pass you want.

Navigo Découverte is open to visitors alike. The cost for one week from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59 is ONLY:


Note that the Navigo Découverte covers zones 1-5, which essentially helps cover your airport rides to/from CDG/Orly airport, Versailles, and other destinations.

Again, my mistake was that I bought the CDG to Paris ticket separately along with the carnet of 10 single ride tickets. Here would be the cost breakdown of how I paid for the trips:

Paris to/from CDG Airport cost per ticket is €10. So round trip is €20. Just already, you would be covering the cost of the Navigo Découverte just with the roundtrip airport transportation.

I also bought a separate ticket to go to Versailles, which cost €7,10. And the carnet of 10 tickets at €14,50. Therefore, the total cost of my tickets equals: €41,60!!!

If I had bought the Navigo Découverte at €22,15, I would have saved €19,45 - close to 50% of buying all of the tickets separately (and that's not even counting the expensive fine I had to pay of €50).

Third Tip: Just Get the Navigo Découverte Pass

The other option that the tourist or metro workers might ask you to grab is the Paris Visite. That is totally a tourist TRAP! The Paris Visite tickets are quite pricey an give options for zones 1-2 to zones 1-5 in varying amounts of days. It doesn't matter the cost of Paris Visite, and I'll save you time from bothering looking at it as they can be three to four times the cost of the Navigo Découverte.

When you go to ask for the Navigo Découverte, if you don't speak French, the metro workers may likely try to convince you to buy Paris Visite or carnet of tickets. Don't give up. Just keep insisting on Navigo Découverte. 

Overall Impressions

I do love how easy it is to get around Paris since the Metro + RER + bus + Velib system is really well connected. It's just unfortunate that the one time I made the naive mistake of throwing out the ticket after entering through the turnstile and getting caught just threw a damper to my Paris travels. 

You'll see that in many stations, particularly with Gare du Nord, so many people jump the turnstiles and avoid paying the fare. It does hurt just a little bit when I know the fine I paid just subsidized everyone else who has been not paying. But it is what it is. That's the reason why I travel. 

So, in conclusion, Navigo Découverte should be the ONLY option you get when you travel in Paris. Simple as that :)


- I'd like to hear from others, what is your experience purchasing the Navigo Découverte?

- Did you also wish you knew this option?

- Have you also gotten fined for whatever reason?


Feel free to see my full 2017 European travel plans.

And follow me @hustletoparadise to stay up to date on the European adventures and travels.

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