Memories of Egypt: Calamity Camel

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


For some unknown reason, I always wanted to go for a ride on a camel. Having done it, it is not an experience I'd like to repeat.

For this adventure, we were taken down the stables to talk and pet the horses, whilst they prepared the horse for my husband (he knew better than to pick a camel) and a camel for me.

A few minutes later it was time to board the camel.

The camel was on his knees, and the guide was already on it, so he invited me to sit on the back. The camel started to get up and it was like a mini earthquake wobbling all over the place. I thought it must have been drunk, but its Egypt, so no.

I didn't want to fall off backward, so I threw my arms around the much amused guide. After about 5 minutes, I withdrew my hugging arms, as I discovered the back of the saddle I could hold onto for dear life, whilst gripping the poor camel to death with my knees.

My husband was royal horse artillery in the army, so he knows his horses, except that this one didn't want to go anywhere. After some gentle coaxing from my husband and being whipped by the guide, the horse did what it was told.

We went around the local village area and then it was out into the desert. My husband on a horse with no name and me on a calamity camel.

Yes, the horse ride did look for more enjoyable and relaxing, as my grip on that saddle was saving my life every time the camel lurched into a trot and god forbid anything faster.

The guide took us to a lovely plateau where we could take photos of us sitting on the animals with the pyramids in the background. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any photos with me on a camel, but here is one of me on the horse...

And of course the song now. I've been through the desert on a horse with no name...


It was a really fantastic experience. There was one scary moment though...

Whilst the guide was leading my husband's horse down from the plateau, a group of men appeared from nowhere and were trying to get the knelt down camel I was sitting on to stand up, but it didn't budge and the guide came back pretty quickly and said something that made them disperse pretty quick.

I tried hard to relax on the camel on the way back, with little success.

The hotel had so many stairs and my legs after that camel ride had a lot difficulty managing stairs. For about 3 days.

Stay tuned for the next Memories of Egypt installment...


I love my life.
I am beautiful.
I am powerful.
I am free.
I love my life
I am wonderful.
I am magical.
I am me.

Lyrics by Robbie Williams, but my daily affirmations

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Wow your travel might have become so peaceful and exciting on camel! It is really a unique experience.

Yes, a unique and one-off experience for sure.

I went on a Camel ride near Alice Springs in central Australia back in the late 80's. Nothing memorable that I can think of, but it was a worthwhile experience. They can be 'difficult' animals to handle, I have been told, but that was not the case for me. Glad you enjoyed the trip.

That does not sound like fun at all, but that is a nice picture... Sad there is no picture of the camel 🐫.

Did the camel spit a lot? Or is that just in cartoons?

I'm still hunting for the camel photo, I remember it clearly as it is one of those touristy ones with my hand over the of the pyramid, like I'm about to squash it. They certainly do dribble a lot.

I love the song
And Ridding a camel was a once only experience for me also

I'm glad I did it. But not an experience to repeat.

I agree the exactly the same for me

Hello @hopehuggs

Truly a nice photo on horseback, makes you seem like an Arabian Princess.
The white suits you! As Calamity Jane was a great Cowgirl, I'll name Calamity Camel... Jane :)

Thank you, I tried to respect their customs and keep myself covered, whilst not sweltering too much, so white was necessary!

Wow, adventures in Egypt. Actually riding a camel is never as wondrous as the movies make them seem. @ironshield

They are lovely animals, just not for riding.

Riding like arabian royalty. That poor horse is pissed off riding around in the hot temperature.

The guide must have had a good time feeling some tiddies on his boring work day!

Yes, the smile on his face was very wide - I can even remember that 10 years after haha

Now that I think about it, riding a camel sounds like one of those things that's a lot more fun in your imagination than in reality. (Kind of like a cross-country car trip with relatives.) I can't say I ever wanted to do that.

The saddle looks really strange. They are SO high off the ground. Camels don't seem nearly as friendly and agreeable as horses ... and my Lord, but they stink to high heaven. So, I'm glad you got that out of your system. Now you don't have to wonder -- and you don't have to do that ever again.

You said it took your legs three days to work right again. How long did it take you to get rid of the smell???

Luckily the smell didn't stick around, plenty of showers and swims to negate the camel stink!

Well, that's a relief. I admire your pluck.

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