Le revedere(goodbye) Romania: What I learned about Romania after living there for 6 months - It's not all just gypsies.

in #travel7 years ago

Leaving Romania comes with a lot of different emotions that are hard to describe and I thought it was time to reflect back on the months living in this mysterious country- both the good with the bad.


People call it the land of gypsies, this couldn't be further from the truth - both in a negative and positive way

"Be careful when going there, there's gypsies everywhere who are looking for a victim". This sentence comes more often than you can imagine from people who don't know much about Romania but from the medias. So is there any truth to the matter? I would both say yes and no. It is and true that gypsies is a big minority in Romania and with it creates a lot of hatred between the "Romanian people" and those they label as "gypsies".

But as a foreigner you will barely notice who's the gypsy and who's the Romanian. This is dangerous to say I guess but that is how I have been experiencing it. The only way I have been identifying gypsies has been through my Romanian girlfriend telling me sometimes. In fact I have had some cool impressions on the gypsy culture, like their traditional music and songs are actually kind of cool and beautiful.

There's no doubt a lot of tension between the cultures but I have never felt in danger because of the gypsies.I think a lot of the tension and hatred is a product from the medias around the world that creates fear. I have even heard people say they want to kill the gypsies. I guess mostly the Romanian people are angry because the gypsies have given their country a bad reputation.. (thanks to the medias).

The Romanian people fight against corruption

Sadly a big minus of this country is its own government.There's no need to hide the fact Romania's government is corrupt and trying everything to protect them self from justice. Luckily the people of Romania are frequently doing peaceful protests to fight some of the laws and decisions the government tries to surpass in the name of their own greediness.

While it is a shame that so many people almost weekly have to stand in the streets of the larger cities to protest against their own government, it is beautiful to see how much many of the people care(at least from my perspective). I have participated in a quite a few of protests in Bucharest(the capital) and no matter the weather, even if it is -10 and snowstorm, people still go out to join the protest.

The Romanian people have a long history with corrupt and problematic government and out of the 21 million who used to live in Romania 3 million of those have fled the country. I hope for the Romanian people that one day this corrupt government will be a thing of the past, before they ruin everything in the country. But as a quote from one of my favorite movies:

"The people should not fear the government, the government should fear its people".


Their nature are absolutely stunning and I found a city with time I could imagine myself living in

I'm talking about a city called Brasov here and it really did steal my heart. Brasov that's actually quite big for my danish standards(lol), but still manage to be a beautiful and charming city placed right in middle of beautiful mountains. No matter where you go you can see the mountains rising everywhere around you. If you love outdoor activities then congrats, because I truly don't think there's any limit to what you can do here. Personally I already did some hiking and paragliding in these mountains.

The country of gypsies? I call it the country of the dancing people.

Romanian love their traditional music and I have somehow started to like it as well. This also reflects in their parties and celebrations. Alchohol seems to be a secondary thing and not needed whatsoever. But dancing? one just not simply go to a Romanian party without dancing. In fact, food and dancing is THE most important part of any party or celebration. As long as there's food on the tables and some good old traditional music, people are gonna stay up all night no matter the age. Now I know why my girlfriend dances no matter where I go with her.

Let me ask you a question: Have you ever been to a huge concert where people suddenly start to dance traditional dances in big circles? Yes, this happens in Romania.

My top 3 odd and funny traditions Romanian people are doing

Weddings can seem like a business

When a woman marries a man in Romania, there's more to it than just two people joining their life. Behind the scenes families are almost running what seems to be a business based on old tradition. It is kind of a "I give you something now to help you out, you give my kids when they are going to marry later". I'm not joking when they even keep logs of what weddings they came to and how much they gave to the specific wedding. If the person who "owes" them dont manage to give back at least as much, it can ruin the relation between the two. This usually ends up in HUGE weddings because people who might not even know each other anymore owes to the family. This tradition does have some background story based on back when people were very very poor especially in villages. In the village people would usually help out the married couple to get them going and then when someone in the village would need help next time, then that couple would give back. But this has ended up evolving a bit into a little more clearly.

You NEVER come as guest to someones house without a gift

"You don't come into someone home with your hand in the ass" , that's literally a saying between the Romanian people and no matter what you need something with you when stepping inside someones home. I t don't matter if it is your best friend, a gift is needed. It does not have to be anything big, it can be a small cake or a piece of chocolate(food usually is a sure win).

Romanian people takes pride in feeding you

Let me give you a perspective here: Back in Denmark it is a custom we all join to eat with each other when we have guest. So when my girlfriend are visiting with me my family, we eat TOGETHER.

When I visit her parents, they put food on the table for me and want to watch me eat. I'm telling you, this really feels odd. So basically I sit and eat their food while they are watching and asking questions to me. I most say with my humble and a bit shy nature, this is something I never will truly get used to. But at the same time it is kind of harmless and I take it with a laugh.


Goodbye Romania - One day I will come back!

Romania is a weird but great country that I without doubt can see myself coming back to. The first round was great and I learned more than I realized when writing this article. But I think it is a perfect time to round up this first round and head into a new chapter.

On monday I will go back to Denmark and prepare month my cycling journey that will take me through many other parts of the world. While i'm thrilled to go, I'm for sure gonna miss a lot of moments this country gave me.

Le revedere Romania!(goodbye Romania).



Salut! Ce faci? I worked on a cruise ship for a few months and my roommate was from Romania. The way ship life works, this means I knew every Romanian working on the ship. His thoughts on things were always interesting. I was put off by his extreme dislike of the Roma. Also, he loved Ronald Reagan for defeating communism. He thought his country should have a king so that they would have a leader who cared about the country. He mostly listened to club music, but once asked me if I had any Manowar on my iPod. I happened to have the new CD at the time and I just thought that weird. I don't even really like Manowar that much but for some reason a friend gave me the new CD before I left town. Also, he refused to wear sunscreen and complained that most Romanians were scared of the sun.

Haha he sound like quite a man. I have not noticed people being afraid of the sun here but hey, if that's what he thinks! He sound like having a lot of powerful opinions some that I can see in the country while others not:) I have also heard some extreme hatred against the Roma.

Looks like you guys had a great fun out there. I enjoyed scrolling down and seeing each new part of your adventure...almost like I went on the walk with you! Man your travel diaries are amazing. Literally loved it. Keep up the fun work! Beautiful travel photos!
Cristian Mungiu & Cristi Puiu are my favorite New Wave Film Maker in Romania. I hope you like their Cinema.

It's not the gypsies of which you must be wary; it is the vampires!

hahaha Yeah! Those pesky vampires are everywhere !

Wow. Very interesting read. All countries of the world have cultures and Romania is not different. I found the aspect of the marriage as a business venture very funny. Lol

Lovely pictures.

Been having a little bit of laugh about that one as well haha:) thanks man

I am a woman 😂😂😂😂😢

Oh hahaha! I noticed your picture now. I apologize!

I've been in Romania many time, I lived there during one year (it was in 2000). Like you, I heard many things about this country, about Romanian people. Things are different from France. I don't think a country is better than one other, it's just another way of life.

I have so many memories about this country ;-)

Another way of living indeed and for I think while some people fall in love with a certain country, others dont. It's about what we are looking for:)

[email protected]'s very confidential subject,,,,,different kind of knowledgeable thing ,,we can know from your traveling experience story....we should be aware of this.....thanks for your great article....

Thanks for coming by as always @abontikazaman :) glad you liked it!

Super nice experiences you had from there a nice place thanks for sharing about it :)

Thank you a lot @blazing ! Always a pleasure:)

You made a post about Romania better than I could. I am Romanian, but I culdn't picture my country the way you did. Maybe because you've seen the picture from outside. Next time you come consider visiting the shores of the Danube named "Clisura Dunarii". It's an area worth seeing and you can ride it with your bike also. You are the second Danish that I hear speaking pretty good about Romania. Have fun in your journeys! I had the chance to bike in Norway. What views they have...Denmark I've seen just for a few hours.

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