Yu Sheng: When salads are part of the tradition

in #travel5 years ago


There is no shortage of good things to know about Singapore. You can visit Singapore for many reasons, such as skyrocketing, international quality conference, natural beauty. But there is another reason why this country may come back. That's a salad! Many do not know that salad is one of Singapore's biggest heritage and attractions. This special salad made every Chinese New Year in the country can be found at every restaurant. Own ingredients, this salad made by spice mix is ​​unique in one word!


The name of the salad is 'Yu Sheng'. The main ingredient being fish is 'u' or 'fish' and 'sheng' or raw / life - the two words are mixed with the name. Not something ordinary, this is a legend for Singapore somehow. The story of a Chinese spouse is involved with this salad. So its roots are also said to be in China. The Chinese couple were once trapped during a very big storm. They filled their stomachs with fish and vinegar as there was nothing else on hand. According to many, the fishermen of Guangzhou province in China began eating the salad on the seventh day of Chinese New Year, on the occasion of 'Human Day' or 'human birth'.

However, when the salad arrived in Malaysia or Singapore from China in the 8th, it was not so glorious. This salad was made in small stores along the street, either in Jiangman style. Raw fish, crushed ginger, lettuce leaves, and specially prepared onions or teochew styles where the buyer uses the lettuce leaves to wrap the whole salad. Although it was always in restaurants, people used to eat this salad the most on the day people were born. The salad was fortunately considered a wrapped meal at that time!


The salad was like that until then. Towards that end, Lok Ching Fat Seremban first reinstated Yu Sheng's advanced and original genre in Malaysia. All the differences that have come up in the salad so far have come as far as possible this time. Later, Singapore's chefs came up with a new and exciting style of salad in the 5th. At that time, these chefs were so popular in Singapore that they were named 'four heavenly cooks'. The four were Liaoki Pui, Thum Wei Kai, Hui Cook Wai and Sinn Leong. Among them, Lou and Thum died. However, if you wish, you can still find 4-year-old Sean and 4-year-old Hui at the Red Star restaurant in River Valley.

Of course, the four did not start working with Yu Sheng from the beginning. They first started working as apprentices at Cathay Restaurant in Singapore. From there, he started working in different places. However, their intention was to popularize something. Chinese New Year is celebrated for 7 days from January to February. Earlier, everyone used to put special food on the table. They plan to include Yu Sheng in the list of foods. Usually, the shopkeeper was able to mix the flavors and spices at his own wish.

These four cooks thought to take the matter a bit further to the family. They were thinking that everyone in the family could mix this salad together. The chefs try to keep the salad as it was before. In the past, where both sweet and taco sauces were used, a sauce was made fresh. And they think this sauce is the life of their salad.


And lastly, the salad consisted of oranges, chili powder, salmon fish, vegetable oil, palm sauce, crackers and powdered almonds. Most of them are considered as good as food. Each of these elements was kept separate at that time. So that the family who is consuming it can mix the salad of their choice.

It didn't take long for the thought to come to mind. However, these four chefs take a long time to create something they really want. The new Yu Sheng was placed in Lai Wah restaurant in 1 The concept of the festival in particular made Yu Sheng more and more familiar to everyone. With good luck with each ingredient, the attendees started saying different lines as a blessing in the preparation of salad. Soon Singaporeans love this new food. And they started organizing small festivals with friends and family with Yu Sheng.

Over time, the familiarity and variation of the salad grows. Since the salad has grown in size since 8, everyone started using chopsticks. It was believed that the bigger the salad, the better it would be. At that time, the process of celebrating time is called 'Low Hee'. And the tradition that started, is still going on.

Yet everyone around the family started eating a salad. As they mix each ingredient, they shout out specific words. Interestingly, the four cooks are now old. It is also strange to them that something made by them has now become one of Singapore's ancient heritage!


What is surprising, though, is that the price of that yusheng salad made in 1 is the same. But outside, the price has gone up a lot. Last year, a US horn sold for $ 5. But the salad at the four culinary restaurants is still only $ 5. This salad is now popular in Hong Kong and many other countries around the world.

But other than that, Yu Sheng's is a great way to get to know each other and to develop sincerity. It also helps create harmony between strangers and lesser known people. Helps to spread love to one another. The salad satisfies people with eyes, nose and taste. Chef Hui is pleased with the satisfaction that has contributed to popularizing such a meal!

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