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RE: Travel: Four seasons a day 🌦

in #travel6 years ago

Great article you wrote there about the regulations while flying a drone! Is your whole island forbidden without proper certification?

Nice adventure coming up! But where you live there must be tons of surfing events?

Never been on the Canary Islands. I know it's a windsurf walhalla, so I should be one time. My all time surf hero lives there! And you definitly need to learn other surfing options for those windy days (but a windsurfer is telling you this... 😅). Which island are you located?

Enjoy your session today!


Exactly. We’re not allowed to fly the drones without the license. I live on Lanzarote, but learned to surf on Tenerife.

There are a couple of Surf events taking place on Canary Islands, but not the WSL.

Where do you live if you don’t travel?

And who’s your hero if I may ask? Dani Bruch? Bjørn Dunkerbeck? :-)

When you have the certificate you can post it here and on youtube etc. But for now without the certificate I assume you can do practice flights for your own?

Is it easy traveling around the other islands? Guess not otherwise you would have that certificate already... But Canary Islands do have a lot of surf events. My hero has one of its own the speed challenge.

Indeed it's Dunckerback 🤙 Picture is together with @dboontje at Defi wind.

Do you have a (surf)hero?

How did you get your passion for surfing? Just read that you had a break for surfing as well.. Injury?

While not traveling I live in the Netherlands in the southwest. The part where we have (usually small) waves, wind and all the other fun things for surf pleasure. Little walk out of my street and I'm standing with my feet in the water 😍

How was your session today?

Now that's a nice picture!!
Look at this one, haha:

Seems that we're following the same legends :-)

Well my break wasn't due to an injury but a longer illness (from december until april). I had some serious breathing issues. Supposedly the reason was a bacterium. We'll never know, but now it's gone - and that's everything that counts for me :-)

I discovered my passion for surfing quite late - 4 years ago. After moving from Germany to Canary Islands my boyfriend gave me a surf training for my birthday. That's how everything got started.

I very much like the style of Gabriel Medina, which is why I'll be cheering for him at the WSL championships in Bali (today in three weeks) :-)

How and when were you attacked by the surf bug?

Yihaa we can share pictures! 😛 But this is a really cool picture!

I can imagine that you don't care what the cause was from your illness. Feeling the same, I don't care about how the back troubles started I just want to go out and surf!

Is your boyfriend a surfer? Or did he lose you at his own gift? 😉
I'm happy that my girlfriend likes to surf, no arguing about going to the water again 😅

Did you watch the WSL this weekend? Saw a glimpse from the run from Kelly Slater, awesome run!
Can imagine why you like the style from Medina. Will you prepare a banner for him while being there? Already counting down?

How and when my surf bug started, I even wrote a Steemit post about it:

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