
You put so much efforts in your blogs, translating it to Chinese, that's amazing. Congratulations on your success on Korean language test, you worked so hard for it! :-*

Yeah! I made it love! I just believe in myself and good things happen:) I will work much harder for sure! Thanks for encouraging me all the time!

My pleasure babe. I feel the same from you!

I absolutely love learning about different cultures too, and your post is great for that. The "lock trees" are so's a very sweet idea memorialising love like that! I used to teach high school in Vancouver, Canada and we had a big ESL population...lots of kids from S.Korea. We used to have "culture days" where they would dress in traditional clothes and their moms would bring all the teachers traditional lunch. I LOVE Kimchi-buchimgae!!! You made my mouth water because living in Mexico now, I will never find that haha Thank you again:) Cheers!

Oh you stayed in vancouve before? This year I will move to Vancouver for new life with my love. I could see that there are more and more Korean kids come to Vancouver for studying. This is great chance for them to 'keep in touch' with their culture when in western country. It must be so hard for those kids! You guys are amazing teachers:)) I like making kimchi pancake by myself when I can't go Korea haha! They are delicious :p thank you for your comment!

I lived in Vancouver (and just outside Vancouver) for over 20+ years and loved it, except the rain in the winters started to drive me crazy (also my husband's health is not great and the rain was hard on him). I am excited for you to be moving there with your love!! You must be excited:)

Yes, the ESL students find it difficult, especially the ones who move there on their own because the parents stay 'home'. They get very lonely. I always tried my best to 'love' them and teach them 'cool Canadian teenager' ways to help them fit in!! They loved learning all the slang, and I would have them teach me Korean slang...very funny!!

You have my mouth watering again now...yumm kimchi pancake!

Excellent travel and Seoul has always been and remains a beautiful city in Asia with its inimitable history! It's very interesting to look at beautiful photos and see you the different beautiful places of Seoul and marvel at the height of the tower, as well as the temple near it! Especially struck trees from the castles, we also have such and people hang their castle when they marry, a good tradition! Thank you @gladysmak and tell us about your trips!

Wow really? That's so cool!! I would love to see this :) It must be so beautiful and good for making nice pictures. Maybe you should write a blog about this tradition to us!I will be the first fan to read it :)

i think i will visit korea one day ahaha, i always see really nice places from Running man, and delicious looking jajangmian, but so far haven't had a chance to go! Always biased towards going Japan for holiday ><

I know you! You are Japan lover! I saw so many of my friends who loves Japan then they never go to Seoul haha😂 Are you same as them?

everytime i travel to another country other than Japan, i will keep thinking 'arghhh should have spent the money to go Japan instead' ahahaha
but i definitely need to visit Korea at least once!!

Wish it will come soon :P

The tree full of lock pads is so cool! I have never seen anything like that done before. Maybe I should do something like that in my country and everyone will follow along, haha!

haha probably! It's always good to be the first one! haha

At first, I thought it is a toilet paper with heart. If I find it one day I will buy one, by the way, it will bring so much love to my rear part.

LOL can you buy one for me too? I would love to see if it exists. I love your comment haha

I would choose to study Korean culture too if i have the same chance 😂 i often think Korean’s culture interesting. I have seen love lock bridge but never heard of love lock trees. That’s really interesting! I hope all those locks dont harm the trees tho

Are you interested in Korean drama too? Haha then you probably know some easy words :)

Kdramas, korean variety shows, i watch them all 😂 i feel like i learn more through their Korean variety shows.

You are right it is great and I prefer a place like that but I really notice that the artistic items that adorn the places on your trip are amazing. Your trip highlights the kind of color culture and is so cool.

Amazing photography.Thanks for sharing it

Love the way you organize your posts :-)

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