
Thank you very much! I'm looking to getting back to traveling. Next stop Galapagos on the 30th!

Are you planning on going to Easter Island? That's what got me interested in Chile at first but now there's so much I want to see that I'm hoping to spend 3 months there one day. Need to wait for my partner to retire first!

It's always those JOBs that hold people back from doing things dream of.....I hope he is retiring soon and you don't have to wait too long. As far as Easter Island. I'm not sure, I really haven't put any thought into it. But now it's on my mind. The problem with me traveling so much, I no longer get too excited about my destinations. Most people would be all excited about their big trip to the Galapagos. But for me it's now like, just living my life, will be an interesting experience that I'm looking forward to I think I may get real excited about going to some far out place in the middle of nowhere China or something. But I'm certainly not complaining very happy I live how I do.

I know what you mean. I've done a lot of travelling and I no longer have the passion about new places that I once did.

Chile is one of the few places I feel really drawn to as there is so much variety there.

The only other that has survived my list (and I'm even beginning to feel a bit blah about that) is Antarctica. We've been saving for that one for years!

Nowadays I look for the things I used to find through travel, in my everyday life. It doesn't really matter whether I'm at home or on the road. How much I'm present in my life is what counts.

Yes passion is for the lifestyle more than the location now. I just enjoy going to new places. Tourist destination excite me just as much as a random village in the amazon! Antartica! Not for me....too cold! lol

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