Unexpected Roadtrips (Life as its best)

in #travel6 years ago

Yesterday was a long tiring day, but worth it.

Unexpected road trips are the best.

Our original destination should be Liliw Church of Laguna and Kamay De Hesus of Lucban, Quezon. But since there are near municipalities to pass by; I and my sister Ate Gv grab the opportunity to take photos. Yey!

We are together with her fiancee and mom. Good thing that they are also on the go like us.
From Sto. Thomas, Batangas- Majayjay, Laguna- Liliw, Laguna to Kamay De Hesus of Lucban, Quezon three (3) places in one day. And the night after the road trips is food trip in Lipa, Batangas. What an awesome day to remember!? hehe

Thanks to my sister Ate Gv for inviting me to go with them.

This photo is in Liliw Church, Laguna.
A very bright day it was. I can't feel the heat of the sun because of the fresh air that blows.

That's my sister soon to be husband beside her and his Mom and Aunt. Me? I'm the middle the yellow girl. hehe

( Inside Liliw Curch.)




Liliw is the 4th municipality of Laguna also known as Tsenilas Capital, the rival of Marikina also famous for there handmade shoes. There are 33 barangays in Liliw, quite huge municipality. There are so much to see in the place but we don't have enough time.

To visit the church is our first goal, second is to buy footwear made in Liliw.

Entrada Shoe Shop

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Inside Badong's Footwear Shop
This is where we bought our slippers. They have affordable and high quality shoes/slippers there.

Before Liliw, we passed by the municipality of Majayjay in Laguna.
Beat the heat is so real. haha

Next municipality we passed by is Lucban, Quezon. Famous for there Pahiyas Festival because of there colorful celebration.
( I'm about to jump in this photo, but my sister is so good at taking photos. lol) In the middle of the road, entering Lucban.




Last stop, Kamay Ni Hesus of Lucban, Quezon Province. I wasn't able to




The Kamay ni Hesus Shrine at Lucban in Quezon is a sought-after pilgrimage destination known for its miraculous healing masses and the steep hill that leads to a majestic Risen Christ statue. Given the Philippines’ rich Catholic culture, it is no surprise that thousands of devotees flock here, especially every Holy Week to repent, reflect, and give thanks.

That was the last destination we went to. Great day to celebrate with God.

Until next time. . .



Hello @gerel.

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Thank you so much @onerace.

The church looks like the one inSta. Ana Cagayan. It looks similar. It is great that you were able to visit and unexpected tours are sometimes more enjoyable.

Wow! Really?
Yeah, that's true.

San kayo kumain? You should have tried pancit habhab! You can also buy Longganisang Lucban as pasalubong!

heheh.. yeah, I've tried their Pancit Habhab and longanisang lucban. It's quite interesting.

Yup. Alsy the way they it it is interesting! Just like this!

Wew! Hehehe, is it in Lucban? I ate Pancit Habhab in their food station in Kamay Ni Hesus . but yours is more interesting hehe. Next time, I'll try it. Thanks for sharing.

Yup! It’s just like a street food to them. There were some vendors outside Lucban Church that’s why we got interested to try it out. It just cost P10! And that one on the picture was just a half serving. 👍🏼

heheh.. yeah, I've tried their Pancit Habhab and longanisang lucban. It's quite interesting.

Wow, ang ganda naman jan, sis! Maganda pa ang model. Perfect combo!!!

Hehehe . . ou nga eh sis ang ganda dun, thanks sis.

Ang ganda naman jan! Nice travel @gerel!👏😍

Hehehe.. Ganda nga dun sis, thank you.. 😍😗

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