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RE: Greetings From Banff National Park!

in #travel7 years ago

Ha ha! I felt super privileged to spy such a rare species!

Lol! To be fair I told him to stay a respectful distance from the cud chewing creature😉 But you are right, having grown up in close proximity to many of these beasties, I don't get too excited when I happen upon one. However, I do love all the kid's reactions to them!

We are having a blast, today we are showing all the kids the Icefields Parkway, and as none of them have seen a glacier before it should be a joy to behold!

Hope you are doing something interesting today, I'm trying to catch up on blog and comment reading and writing before passing out each night in chez Nylon. I will get it done. Eventually. Elk at ya later, oh, that's yak😜


I've read recently that blogging after midnight in a National Park, wrapped up in a nylon cocoon in a pup tent to the chirping of Northland crickets has been rated as 'difficult' by the *I.E.B.S.I.O.I.D.D. So good luck in that endeavour. Otherwise, have lots of fun. Yaks...LOL

I'm difficult? 😜 Lol!! I'm sitting in a hail storm next to a fire that won't burn correctly typing a reply to you, definitely not elking now, yay!!

Hmm, a fire ring in a deluge of ice pellets does not add to fire efficiency? Who woulda' thunked it. And the IEBSIOIDD rates the difficulties, not me, so I would not know about these things...

Is It bad that I have absolutely no idea what the IEBSIOIDD is but totally trust its authority because of the size of its acronym? It's super weighty and stuff. Okay, the altitude and proximity to too many giggly teenage girls has wrecked me for the night. Peace out home skillet😊!

You caught me just before my bike ride.
I'm pretty sure you have just invented, or re-surfaced, the singular best saying I have heard since the 7th grade. "Peace out home skillet." I'm still snorting from that just made my decade.

And no worries, you can be expected to be a bit dim-bulbed on the *I.E.R.B.S.I.O.I.D.D.
They are rather new to the world of this whole Internet thing. It's the Internet Efficiency Rating Board and Society for Improved Online Interpersonal Discussion Dynamicies A bit under-rated, but they do know their stuff.
I hope you are enjoying yourself, and no more than 17 schmores at a sitting... tends to make one a bit 'wiggy', and that gooey stuff has potential to really gum up the works of that infamous GKI-phone.

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