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RE: Travel Tip #2: How to Deal with Pushy Airport Taxi Drivers

in #travel7 years ago

Hi Dan - catching up with you :) I hope the trip is going well and you are staying healthy.

I've been watching the Visa issues and you should not have any trouble at all, but they are sure cracking down on multi-visa people without cash in hand. They will not take any proof of cash - they want to see the cash. So I will have the cash - in my case 20K thb.

A bunch of teachers got turned away while the school was out in arrivals waiting to take them to a school out in the middle of nowhere. They pooled their money to get two people in and then the rest had to go back and are trying to come in by land. Just nuts.

I think I will be fine though. I have everything they need to see so I'm staying calm. It's an uproar in all my various groups though.

Resteeming your good taxi tips. I avoid them since I am constantly ripped off. I'm a bus girl and I love them here. So simple and cheap and often wood floors!


Looks like I should bring cash too. That's kind of stressful. Thanks for the tip. Thanks for checking in and heck, thanks for resteeming that post. I haven't been very active on here lately. I had the weekend to myself for the most part. So I made use of my time writing. I've got about 15 articles including a good up-date and several good travel reports.

My problem is I get so busy on the social aspect of this site. I have nothing to publish! Now with a backlog. I'm going to be publishing like every day or every other day, and then around curating and talking to others. But that probably won't be until Sunday night or Monday. Tomorrow is horse racing, Saturday is a big family reunion party, then Sunday is a waterslide park. So my steemit account is suffering, as I'm staying busy like a good American does!

Was looking forward to checking in with you. You are one on my favorites on here. Still looking forward to meeting up! Thailand is less tan 3 weeks away now!

I found an area of town about 3-5 blocks north west of Ko San rd. it's a bit quieter and you they have some great competing hotels there that will work out a room with me for about 300bt. So I'm thinking a good 5 days in Bangkok staying there, one place is called Pranakorn Inn with WIFI and Air conditioning.

Because I'll be 30 days in Thailand then up to Laos. I'm thinking my itinerary will be like 5 days Bangkok, then 5 days traveling south east along the coast, see Bang Seang, Rali, and see how disgusting Pataya is. Then like 10 days in Ko Samet, then 10 more day not sure, but part of that will bring me up to Laos. I wanted to go to Krabi and Koh Phengnag, but I'm thinking I'll do that on my 2 month via after Laos.

My health hasn't been a problem here. I guess I'm healthy enough to just take on the bombardment of crap, but I've been cooking for myself at my cousins place, which makes a big difference. Anyway, hope you are well. Thanks again for the advice!

Your hotel idea looks good. It's only for 5 days - that's how I think of stuff like that. I'm glad you are hanging with the family and eating well. Your trip sounds very fun and tiring so I will be glad to watch from the sidelines. But let's figure out a good place to meet up - I'm not sure I will find anyone else but I'm working on it!

For me here - I'm doing a lot more interaction and less of my own posting. More bang for the buck :)

I totally get that regarding how you are steemin'. I'm going to see what I can do with an arsenal of reports ready. Then socialize on here a lot. It's incredible to see some people with a thousand plus followers making anywhere from 50-500 or more with every post. I think that's a goal for me people.

No worries if it's just you and I for a short time. I will be a pleasure to meet you in person. I'll be in touch!

Okey-doke - we'll get our steemit photos no matter what :) I'm trying to understand how people get their posts to be jumped on too, but so far not so good. My yunk posts are doing ok and my challenge posts are second. The comments I make are far superior to both so that is where I focus.

Strange how that works out. I've had a couple well done travel reports do well. Even 60 dollars and over 200 up-votes. But they do much much better if I spend time socializing and promoting them a bit. I'm really getting tired of the American ways between you and I. I'm really starting to look forward to Thailand. Everyone is so pressed for time here. I've gotten used to the Manana attitude of South America! Not saying it's better but it's surely more relaxing overall.

I feel you! I am still online with some of my us groups - just as if I never left. Sometimes I want to get out as they remind me of how hard life is over there.

But I'm finally making headway with my clean eating comments and other stuff in that direction. A couple of years ago I was being wiped out and now I get good responses so I keep trying.

I'm still waiting for a big hit and I will let you know. I have one in the works maybe but it's taking days to write. These posts take effort! Go look at my Thailand yunk post - that one was easy and is getting attention :)

Very cool Yunk. Fun post. People like that. I've seen a post of a photo of a bird and nothing more make a lot more money than my Ecuador Report which took hours to write. But then again it has so much to do with your rep, followers, steem power and so on.

On a further note, it's now been about 3 weeks in the country and my hopes are pretty much lost. This 5 week stay should have been a one week stay.

When I'm not eating corn syrup I'm weird, then when I comment on it, I'm a problem. If I don't want gum because I point out it's got aspartame in it, again I'm a weirdo and I make people uncomfortable.

I'm learning to be ignorant is blissful and to be 54 years old and diagnosed with cancer is just part of life.

When they are all arguing about healthcare, and I say "well, a good start would be banning GMO, corn syrup, and other chemicals like most of the rest of world has done" All I get are blank stares like I'm from mars.

I've given up, even people who try to eat healthy here barely can. A red pepper now cost two dollars. Not two dollars a lb, just 2 dollars for one.

Every time you meet a friend it's an event to eat a bunch of crap and drink. You're enticed from every angle of society to eat and do unhealthy things. If it's not heard first hand from the TV then it's hear second hand from your neighbor.

Everyone here seems to be in a battle for their health but go around with total defeatist attitudes, and I get it. Eating is like walking through a mine field in this country, meanwhile you're body is craving and addicted to crap. It's like a smoker trying to quit while living in a smokers lounge they can't escape. Look at you! You went the other side of the planet to get away!

At least the public is waking up a little bit, every label on food has a "gluten free" tag or "all natural" But even then it's a joke. Obviously a strawberry is gluten free, but there's the label. Then "All Natural" or "Natural Flavors", is just a straight up lie! Incredible! It's like the corporate elite are toying with the masses. The whole no-fat, low-fat scam since I was born. Some of the healthiest foods are high in fat, cocounut oil, fish, nuts......

Sorry to rant but of all the people I've met on here you seem to get me the most! Hope you are doing well. -Dan

Oh! I'm laughing but not really. There's a bunch of us health freaks here. I'm shocked at the good response to my food posts and will do more. I just found out about curie. I think it is a good place for boosting work. Take a look at this post. I’m going to do it when I figure it out.

I did go as far away as I could and that is why Thailand won over Ecuador and I am not kidding.

I take huge hope from the changing attitudes. I'm in several fb groups related to Weight Watcher's <<< a special pet peeve of mine. Their "food" is more crap-filled than most "diet" food. When I first started posting in there years ago I got a lot of resistance and now people are all ears. The "points" bs in WW says almost nothing about nutrition and is about 80% fake food for some people. It's a nightmare and don’t even get me going on my pal Oprah.

But now - people listen and ask questions wondering if their inflammation will improve with better food (if they can find and afford it).

I started telling people I am “allergic” to things they wanted me to stuff in my mouth. It works better than telling them they will be sick and die if they eat it lol. Might not work for the parents though.

Here’s you, buddy. I have a lot of photos of me that look like this.

Hang in there. Clocks’s ticking. But don’t eat the strawberries unless they are organic :)

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