Love-Hate Relationship to Flying

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Thanks @escapist for modelling to me.

The wonderful feeling of lift off and going thousands of kilometres from A to B in the matter of hours.


The dread of being in a deathtrap of a tin can for hours that is magically (or with the help of physics, who knows) staying 10 kilometres above the sea level.

Debends on the day!

Outside elements have very little to do with what is happening inside my head. No sleep, much sleep, sunshine or rain, my mind has a mind of it’s own, ho ho, aren’t I funny today...

I got a freakishly hot selfie send to me this morning and I’m distracting myself with day dreaming of licking whipped cream off of them abs. insert Escapist bitch slapping the silly out of me ”Back to work bitch, you need to pay your credit card bill and unlike me, you don’t have a dayjob to get to tomorrow!”

I want to
Touch your body
I want to watch you
Touch your body

playing on the headphones.

Fine fine, I’ll get back to writing...

Where was I? Ah yes, what goes on inside my head when flying.

Sometimes I keep counting minutes until safely landing, no matter how I try to distract myself. This is one of those times where I’m sure every air bumb is deadly to the plane and we crash to a mountain range. I’ve watched way too many episodes of plane crash investogators and my vivid imagination fills in all the blanks with horrid endings.

When we were flying to Budapest, the 2,5 hours went by like nothing, I drank a cup of coffee and wrote like a maniac all the way through, not even listening to music at the same time.

Now I’m blasting music as loud as I can and trying to think of anything else other than flying, while writing about flying, damn I’m smart. I could always drug myself to oblivion but I don’t think that it is the safest idea, and I might not wake up when we land...

Shit, I just saw another plane fly really close under us, and at first it looked like a missile!? fuck that was scary! Okay, it was probably half a kilometre under us but looked way too close. Isn’t there enough space in the sky to keep a better distance!? Jesus...

Pain gone is a pain forgotten

I already know that I forget my fear of flying as soon as we land, and I start planning for another trip. I have nothing booked before going to Estonia in the end of May, so I have plenty of time to fly to a new destination. And be once again scared for my life.

Do you like flying?

Ps. The co-pilot is a woman, and we all know how bad women are at driving..... Hope her mind doesn’t wander like mine. UuuUu, something shiny! (And that there is a joke, relax! I’m a woman, I drive like a Finnish rally driver when they are winning, and it’s statistically proven that women drive safer than men.)

Pps. Posting this from the Helsinki airport before heading to a bus, and I sleep like a baby when I’m in the car and not driving, I would suck as a roadtrip buddy. Night night!


I used to enjoy flying, but I had a near-death experience on a plane 10 years ago. Now I dread it. I still take 10-20 flights per year because I have to, but I get nervous before each one of them. :(

I like flying, its really just all the hassle that goes with it, arrive 3 hours before the flight, stand here, wait there, now run to the next obstacle, its more like a warped game show than a means of travel.
I actually flew a small plane once, except for taking off and landing its actually really easy to fly a plane, if you let go of all the controls it just levels off and flies in a straight line. The only time I felt scared was when I realised there was no air traffic control coming over the headphones, I asked the instructor about that and he told me for small low level planes there isnt any. Kind of shocked, I asked him how you are sure not to collide with other small planes, he said you just look out of the window... gulp!

I'm not fan of the waiting parts either, especially because I'm always early everywhere I go :D That sounds pretty scary, though you are kinda more in control when flying a small plane, it can make much more sudden movements, at least so I would think.

You think that's scary? Wait until you sit in a holding pattern over heathrow airport. You look out the window and you see a plane below you.. one above you, another one to the side.. literally every where you look there's a plane a couple hundred meters away. I never experienced a literal traffic jam in the skies until I flew into london for the first time during their busiest time of day.
Personally I love flying.. it reminds me of my childhood (we travelled a lot when I was a kid). But the joy is often interspersed with moments of mind numbing fear as I suddenly think of everything that could possibly go wrong. Then it passes and I love flying again..

Shit, I was just thinking that I should prob go to London soon, I'll have to remember to make sure I'm not flying to Heathrow 😬😬

Heathrow is alright.. and probably the easier airport to get to and from the city.. just need to try and avoid the peak times. I fly down about 3 or 4 times a year and I think I have experienced this maybe two or three times in the last 10 years.

Every time I've flown to London it's been to Stansted airport, it's pretty nice and quiet from what I remember.

Yeah stansted is pretty good.. though during the school holidays it too is very busy.

I always tell myself that it’s way more likely to be in a car crash...
Well that’s also not nice.

But if a plane crashes, you are almost guaranteed to die, if a car does, you have pretty good odds in surviving...

Thank you. Now I have new things to think about when I fly to Moskau in May ;)

Also it depends on how fast you go with the car...

I love flying, the feeling of taking off is amazing to me. I used to have a boyfriend that flew his own plane and it was so much fun to be able to take off anywhere at anytime!

That is pretty awesome, when you are not afraid to fly :D I trust no one and no machine so I'm often a little anxious even though the taking off does feel nice.

Wait, what? Estonia? What brings you here?

What brings all the Finns to Estonia? Cheap booze of course! Just kidding, mini holiday with friends :)

I think all the Finns already know that you can get cheaper booze from Lativa. But I hope you enjoy the holiday.

I like flying. I don't like everything right up until getting on the plane (packing, driving to the airport, going through security...), but I like being on a plane.
When I use to be a bit nervous during turbulence, I'd just look at the flight attendants just going about their job and think "It can't be that bad".

We got some turbulence during the flight and the flight attendants returned to their seats so that was a little nerving. 😬

Lol... Flying can feel really shitty... You've succeeded in infecting me with that potty mouth 😂

Pshhhhh, don't you blame me, I know you were cursing before you came upon my blog, you dirty little brat!

Lol...Screw you... Darn, I did it again...

I have had that funny thing with flying love-hate too!
My dad was flying small private planes as a hobby when I was young, so first I went on a plane I was 6 months I believe and it was with mum and dad. Then I have been countless time with my dad and didn't necessarily enjoy it because my ears were poping etc. (just a whinging kid really) - at the time I didn't realise how lucky I was to be able to observe things from the sky!
And then when we started traveling, I flew to many countries in big places (whaoo)...And I wasn't bothered by it - Now flying is what I hate the most about the trip.
It's often a 24h flight to go and see the family...and each bump on the plane is a big freakout for me! I squeeze Guilly's arm and when I'm on my own I try to be a real adult...Why? I'm not sure, I think as a kid or when you are young you don't think about all the sh*t that could happen lol.
My secret sleep sleep sleep as much as I can and binge on movies so it goes faster or....the best I've found was doing travel video montage in the plane, I didn't see the 24h go!

I also flew home yesterday. I don't really have a fear of flying but I slept the whole flight back so I didn't even need to think about it.

Are we gonna get to see some drone shots from your trip? :)

Sadly no :/

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