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in #travel5 years ago

But of course I remember, my best! I think I would have recognized your comment even if you hadn't revealed yourself. I thought I saw your bots at my last article? But it can also deceive me.

HaHa! Yes, I once enjoyed the good life to the full! Even if I sound like a spoiled woman, who has everything else, this is certainly not to be attributed to the last years but to a quite long life, in which I have experienced, seen and consumed many things. Often I was able to enjoy other people's wealth. My moral ethics, LOL, that can seem a little dense at times, but I hope not? If so, then I thank you for making me aware of it, I hope never to sound like sour morals. On the contrary, I find that pure luxury is very dull in the long run, but can be enjoyed at times and very rarely like a very good sip. That makes it all the more beautiful. I love luxury so that we don't misunderstand each other, but you shouldn't have it all the time, that ruins it for the occasions. So my gratitude also goes to the hardship and suffering, to the meagre and exhausting times that reveal the contrast so beautifully to me. Without the nausea and the heat and the mosquitoes everything would only have been half as exciting.

I don't know Venice and I've never been there. Tell me a little about it, will you? What did you do and experience there?
Quite certainly quite different than in a Borg cube :)

Greetings and: I love Shaun!


who doesn't love Shaun :p ... i'll keep the tales of venice for later because my RC is recharging slow and i need it for the daily post. I'm glad to see you're still around here and you still don't speak in "two polite words", lol
You don't sound like sour morals, you sound like conviction and like yourself, which is something a lot of people could just dream of i think as quite some would go for "what would someone else want to read and vote on " :p

Bots is a big word, if someone has five accounts and uses a third-party autovoter its autovoter, i use my gamezone-accounts and the remnants in some autovoter i wrote and run myself and it picks from accounts, not specific posts, mostly people, i hope who on average provide a piece of themselves and not just a quick link or actifict as default (not that i have any problem with that, a social network needs bulk and numbers to have any kind of global profile - something else some other people here don't seem to grasp yet but that's not my debate ... ) so its not really bots but i have more things running, if you call an automated thing that returns invalid amounts of steem or sbd a bot then i has one heh. The gamezones are just voting b/c otherwise its wasted sp but when it goes live (by 2050 or 2100) most of it would go to people playing who make "creative contributions" writing or drawing or sounding off or whatever about it(at least that's the intention in the long run) and it's used to provide "zone funds" to play with (as the @goldmanmorgan account is used to get "playcoin" to play with but its me, myself and i and all that programming, graphics, sound and what not takes time .. So :glad to hear from you, see you around , Erika ...
(i got a whole set of pictures from venice left although i only was there for four days, way not enough, but you know .. money ...) i'll see if i can dig some up later
(if i remember, i'm still a force of chaos) ... i guess that concluded the replies for today its REALLY charging slow omg

take caer !!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I said the word "bots" quite recklessly, I meant the Auto-Voter, I also set one up myself, but it was so long ago that I don't even know how to get to the site to make updates, because I forgot the name. LOL. So the ones I put on the list stay there forever, even if they don't blog anymore.

Assume that I blog something every now and then, because I love writing and can't live without it. I used to write for my hard drive or in a diary. I wonder if everything here on the Internet will still be there when my son grows up. Will he follow my tracks when I'm gone? I would find it interesting to track my parents on the world wide web and see where they left their tracks. And yet parents always remain a secret for their children.

But I'm not as active as I used to be - especially in commenting and finding new bloggers. At the moment I'm interested in more tangible things. So I have a stiff neck and tired limbs from all the sewing. Never thought that it could be so exhausting and now I can imagine why it is called "tailor's seat" and what a tailor used to be known for. You have to have infinite patience and the ability to sit and find the right way to sit and work. Otherwise you'll reap pain everywhere.

I haven't understood much of what you said about play zone and stuff. LOL.

From what I find is that youtube get's you more creative or similar platforms, where one has to edit and attach sound or voice overs - but still I am not complaining. Blogging has it's charm.

You too, take care.

it's all just media ... and i didn't take that wrong or anything, i actually have a small script here running on a small pc in the bedroom. All remnants from days where small pc's were an option for the lol of it i guess.
It's a way of expressing oneself , whatever the medium, some do paint and some do words and others sounds created but the most interesting stuff tends to be overall what comes directly from people's heads, even if nothing in the world after 150.000 years of modern humans and maybe a milliion (? not an archeologist) or more of predecessors, is still original as such but all a remix as we are
the product of environment and past experience. Some people pick from what they get, and some have it picked for them. Even with the best of intentions it's sometimes very hard not to be judgmental , subconsciously but well ... at the end of the day "the internet" is a frontface, and people already have at least five faces on the daily imo ... alone / outside in the mass / with close friends-relatives/ with acquaintance-distant family and well should i say "at work" ? heh or at whatever goes for that volunteering or whatever and the internet might be the sixth one

i personally get the feeling i need to take some distance because i find it taking up too much of my daily and there's more to life than steemit lol, on the other hand ...
is there? ;-)

Yes, it is! How wonderful that you say it so clearly, I like it when someone freely admits to having several faces. Indeed, indeed. I also wear an appropriate role and mask, depending on the situation and person and opportunity. It's a big theater we're playing and we better admit it instead of spreading artificial indignation about the attitudes and behaviour of people we run into or exchange via the Internet. I mix my time between relationship at work, in private and on the net.

And indeed, I am entirely in your opinion that there is more than Steemit. Just this morning I made a cut on wrapping paper for future sewing projects and I'm dressed and made up like the ladies from the 1940s who put on their clothes. I enjoy wasting my time seeing something new, learning something new or reviving something old, if you will. My knowledge of mathematics and my three-dimensional thinking are weak, I try to work against it with sewing and origami. Recently, I made a kimono and I climb in every evening and morning with pleasure to feel good and smell the fabric that I had put together for months with a few incense sticks. What a delight. There was a frugal and serious time in my life and certainly will be again. At the moment I enjoy the rich and superfluous very much.

In about an hour my sweetheart and I will visit a friend in the hospital. He is quite sick and I hope we can cheer him up a little.

See you around, alleycat!

time spent on experience is never wasted , @erh.germany , even if it's not always 'profitable' , i think that's exactly what the universe is doing , figuring out itself by trying all things it can come up with within the laws it's been provided (which are a bit more absolute than anything on paper so far it seems). Law of the vacuum, supply and demand, infinite expansion in limited space means smaller components lol ... (there i go again)

Maybe people who don't admit to it shouldn't be trusted until you get to see of those faces for yourself, as Watzlawick said "one can not not communicate" , those faces show, but not on the internet because there you have only the one = the screen with the smileys , althoug in some cases, or with impulsive people (like someone who's name we shan't mention here heh) it might show but on the other hand you have no way of knowing if it's something they WANT you to see, something they're trying to make you see, or something they're actually showing without knowing as you miss the most important part of communication : body language ... not everyone can read it as the word has been overtaking for several thousand years but it's still unmistakeably there. I'm sure it's one of the majors for FBI-grads and other obscure government sss... people :p ...

And well, who's gonna give you 10k facebook likes if your day looks like this :


but unless you have the clout to make someone happy and able to eat doing that for you, it more than often should or in reality it will look like some pictures i won't be diggin up lol .(this one is today haha)
I was hoping to level up by tackling both chapter 1 ) the dishes from the weekend and chapter 2) the mopping of the floor but for some reason i didn't see the +1 level icon pop above my head ...

maybe next time and i'll need more xp here :)

although i'm pretty sure i know chapter 1 and 2 by heart. Love to see some of your creations then, i'm a sucker for vintage as i am for many things, really

Hope your friend pulls through there and maybe gets to level up some more too :D

see you around indeed , when time and kaos, happenstance, coincidence, brainpain and clarity permits (and yea, maybe life ... that thing ...)

Not many know Watzlawik or can even quote him. Yes, you are absolutely right that body language is completely absent and that there are so many misunderstandings on the Internet, on the forums, but also in physical encounters, that's one reason for it.

I think it's enough to know that everyone always wears a mask, even if someone doesn't want to admit it, you still notice it. I still remember how irritated I was at times when I noticed how different my fellow men were suddenly, when it was a matter of professional meetings compared to private ones and I thought at first: What a hypocrite! But now I know that it is a kind of adaptation or protection that we humans use to behave or think appropriately according to the situation. Ultimately, no one can answer the question of who he really is. Because reality is always different, depending on the event and environment. Those who don't want to admit that they wear different faces may not know that it is normal and fear that they will be skewed. For a long time I had thought that all people should be treated equally by me, but I was really wrong.

What others think to see, what they want you to believe or what is possible through the limited possibility of written communication: everything is a construction of the mind that makes fun of taking itself most important. LOL. I often think that the body is faster than the mind and if we learn body language consciously to read it would be easier. But I think this is also a mistake, because unconsciously we read the body language of others all the time when we meet them physically and react to them much more than to the verbal word. Then we wonder why we didn't say anything bad, but the other one pretends to. HaHa!

Wipe the floor and make the food: No, it certainly doesn't lure anyone out behind the stove. It's not art unless you make it one.

As far as the universe and its laws are concerned: Yes, everything moves and reaches its limits. I spontaneously came up with an article that I once wrote: Can gods get bored? If you feel like it, read it:)

wow :)

well , first, thanks for the vote (and in the meantime apologies to everyone i havent replied yet ... i accidentally broke my vow of silence and my intention to distance from steemit for a bit on seeing mister Cliff post, i havent seen it in a while and its on my checklist/autovoter i wrote here)
Which, apart from my clear opinion on the matter and current state of affairs shows a few of the underlying issues arising from what i call observers paradox, the bit in there, well, let's say : ask 10.000 americans and/or britons to voice the same thing and then count how many use the word "hashing", make sure you have a decent pool that comes from all sides and you'll see part of what im trying to explain there. It's not an insult but its a fact, arising from observers paradox, that a lot of upper-people here dont really have touch with the crowd OUTSIDE the niche they so desperately try to reach.

And now, Erika, lol sorry - the article, as usual, is very impressive . There's a lot to say for it but i think first of all its pointless to consider the divine as if it IS , then it is of a magnitude that's larger than the universe itself, which makes it even further away from us then the ant would look to us (which it doesnt i suppose since we're of a magnitude that's way beyond them, we're just like trees or other obstacles, only moving, or something, i mean its just as pointless to ponder the thought of the ant as it would be to say "alien life would this or that" because the very meaning of the word means that we CANT hope to comprehend it.
Also, divinity is not just immortal, it's all-powerful so if there was no point to living it could just as well end itself which it does or doesn't do ?

It does look like "god has abandoned the world" if you look around but id say its slightly preposterous to think and entity of divine magnitude would take intrest in one little planet just as much as it would notice one little human. From that magnitude one human is probably the same size as one planet : invisible unless specifically looking for it through a divine electron microscope (or similar, heh)

I had this thing on quanta earlier this week or yesterday too. My question more like "Does the quantum exist?" which is more or less the same than is the world quantifiable but not quite i guess. Its a very important "bit" (literally) as
if the quantum DOES exist the universe is digital but if, as according to all theoretical mathematics up to date it does NOT (there is an infinite number of points between any two give points no matter how close or far they are - that's the b*tch of theoretical science lol , its almost like believing, so infinity is maybe hard to grasp but it IS used - i think for instance if you want to propel anything with mass at the speed of light you would need an infinite amount of energy - so einstein never said cant do, he said needs infinite , thats what i like to say to make physicists throw a fit anyway) and i lost where i was euh let me scroll up.

Ah yea ... so if the latter is the case then the universe is analogue and we will never to a "resolution" at which we can observe it at its very core (the quantum so to speak) so its just an endless journey deeper down the fractal (yay Benoit) only to find you're just deeper down the fractal, lol.

Very inspiring and well-written as alway, id say you should put that stuff on medium too and get some love for it but you probably already do and me ...
well i was gonna radio-silence for weeks and i will try again and i certainly dont want to end up at 20 rc on mister Goldman here as i need the daily posts to go on as the game itself slowly develops.

So i dont know where the quick reaction came from ? there's a saying here if someone spits hellfire "they can hear the thunder in Köln" so maybe you did ;-)

have a nice day and if you dont hear me for a few weeks i will certainly scroll down to try and get everyone who replied back


I may be come back to this reply of yours later on. I accidentally found you this morning on Tim Cliffs blog as I was thinking about the Steemit platform and how it maybe go on in the future. There I found your comment and gave you a vote. I haven't read it to the fullest but thought it deserved a treat from me :) Here you can see my own comment to Tim:

safe to say those were days with a bit more leeway ... i think 2017 or 16 , i get unstuck in time and things might have been last year or ten years ago or sometimes yesterday it can be hard to discern


:) Can't happen to me, that I mix time. LOL. My man calls me the memory sheep.
I went over and looked at the photographs and enjoyed being with you for a while.

it can be just one big bowl of soup sometimes stirring around, well i'm happy you enjoyed them :) same goes for me, its always nice to dream away for a minute like that

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