Walk with me through the ocre quarries of Roussillon, Vaucluse (Provence, France)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Ocre is a very rare pigment; its contains orange to yellow colors.
It is save to say that all great painters from the paste have used this very ocre in their paintings, and its still used today by some, that prefer to paint with original pigments instead of synthetic ones.


It was created eons ago, through sand deposits, when the sea retreated.


Nowadays there is no more mining; tourist industry replaced it.
Its a gorgeous place for a short or a little longer hike, i'd be pleased if you walk with me.....may the contrast in red and green suprise you and may the scala from yellow-white clay to deep red delight you......
Its sure delighted me!
(all photo's are my own)


Oker is een zeer zeldzaam pigment, het werd vroeger gebruikt om verf mee te maken. Je kunt dus wel met enige zekerheid stellen dat Rembrand, Vermeer en alle grote Nederlandse schilders met de grondstoffen uit deze mijnen geschilderd hebben.


Tegenwoordig wordt er geen oker meer gedolven; de toeristen industrie brengt meer dan genoeg geld in het laatje en het gebied is beschermd.


Het gebied is ontstaan toen de zee zich terugtrok; het zijn zandafzettingen; ijzerhoudende klei.


Je kunt er echter prachtig wandelen en de contrasten tussen de verschillende rood tinten en de groene begroeïng zijn adem benemend! 'Wij' noemen het 'Goudzandje'.
Ik hoop dat je de foto's leuk vind - ze zijn allemaal door mij zelf gemaakt.


Ocre is sehr sehlten.
Früher hat mann damit mahler pasten gemacht.
Es schuf vor äeonen, durch Sandablagerungen, als sich das Meer zurück zog.


Heutzutage gibt es keine Bergabbau mehr; der Tourismusindustrie hat es ersetz.
Es ist ein wunderschöner Ort, für ein kurze oder etwas längere Wanderung, ich werde mich freuen, wenn Sie mit mir spazieren!
Lassen Sie sich von der Kontrasten uberraschen.....
(alle Foto's sind meine eigenen)


And from the final photographs its clear where the village got its colors from !



Bij deze laatste foto's wordt het wel duidelijk waar ze in het dorp hun pigmenten vandaan haalden.....


In diesen letzten Bildern ist es klar, wo sie ihre Pigmente im Dorf bekamen .....


I hoped you enjoyed my photographes and be sure to visit this place if you ever come to the South of France!


Beautiful site to take a walk and great shots, thanks. Upvoted

Thank you Charles!

zeer fraaie kleuren in het landschap , alleen erg jammer dat ze daar Frans spreken :) voted + resteemd

Wha ha ha Mick - dat mag je niet tegenhouden! De meeste fransen spreken overigens tegewoordig ook wel enigzins engels. Met de klemTOON verkeerd, dat dan weer wel 😉

Oh, what a wonderful hike through those magnificent red cliffs and quarries of Roussillon. I love every single one of your pictures, I am not sure I can even pick a favorite. They show off the natural landscape and it delights these eyes as it rolls over the contrasting green of the trees and plants and the blue, blue of the sky. Beautiful! The town is just an extension of it! :) Thank you for taking me on a most delightful hike. Can we do this again - perhaps next week?

Upvoted and Resteemed

That was my problem too - which ones to include and which ones not....
Next week i ll be taking you for a very special walk into Gordes. We ll be taking the back entrance, in the early morning, to buy this delicious French bread

Oh!!!! Could you hear me clapping my hands?? I am excited! Push the bread through the little hole in the screen!

PS... you have got to go back to that post and see Patrick in his lederhosen :))

I did! LMAO! Ha ha ha that is going to be a habit - dressing up properly - mark my words!

Wow lovely pictures of a special landscape. I especially like the one through the doorway :)

Thank you! #doorways are my specialty! If you follow that hashtag you ll find more of them! ♡

Wow... I love it!

Its colorful isnt it!? I like it there too!

Wow that is amazing! I hadn't realized that this dirt/rock was the origin of the ochre pigment. All the photos are striking, but the first five or so are absolutely incredible! I'll remember this place if I ever have the opportunity to visit Europe (I live in U.S.) Thanks for sharing!

Do! Walking around there makes you feel very special, its such a earthing place to visit. I hope you ll be in te opportunity one day

The first pictures look very similar to a trail in Colorado. Beautiful nature and town. Thanks for sharing

Hi Linzy; they call it French Colorado i believe

Thats interesting!

Thank you for the beautiful walk Judith, almost as if I was there........UPV 🌸💖🌸

Happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for the support dear Lena ♡

That is such a magical place. Your photos are wonderful and they make me feel like I'm there again.

Now THAT makes me truelly happy that i made this post!!!! Big love to you my friend♡

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