Going to Tokyo Japan Soon ! 即將去東京旅行!

in #travel6 years ago


Me and my family are going to visit Tokyo from next week and we are gonna stay there longer than a normal tourist would. We are gonna do so many things! So excited! One of the privileges of being a Steemian is that you get to meet local people when you travel abroad ... So, I already feel welcome as some Tokyo Steemians will arrange a meetup with me! Wow! It would be my first meetup outside Taiwan ... Can't wait!

So, before I go, I would like to gather more information (esp regarding crypto) from the lovely crowd on this platform so I can experience the most out of this amazing city ... Ok, if you happen to know something about my questions please do share with me! Thanks in advance!

  • Any good source of information (need English version of course) about spending crypto in Tokyo? Restaurants, cafes and shops? What apps do I need to install?
  • Good instruction about withdrawing Japanese Yen from a Bitcoin ATM? Map would be good too...
  • Anything or anywhere about crypto that you recommend exploring beside the above?
  • Any crypto-related companies that might want to hire me?

Haha, seems all are about crypto! I have long heard that Japan is friendly towards crypto and I am gonna find out myself from this trip if it is really so... Last, I don't really need any tourist or restaurant advices, but if you insist, I don't mind seeing them too.

Thanks guys! I will be sharing my whole trip everyday pretty soon ... You can follow this tag #dean-tokyo to keep track of my trip notes and photos. お先に失礼します (osaki ni shitsurei shimasu)





  • 哪裡可以用幣消費?需要先下載什麼App嗎?例如餐廳,咖啡廳,商店等等.... 噢,好期待,又怕傷口袋~~
  • 哪裡有BTM這種提幣機?我想嘗試的是用比特幣領日幣出來,除非價格太差啦~~
  • 東京還有什麼跟幣圈相關的地方或事物值得去探索嗎?


哈哈,很期待!但這幾天還得忙,還得打包行李~~ 不過,很快,我就會從東京跟你們打招呼囉!如果你對於我的東京幣行有興趣的話,可以追蹤 #dean-tokyo這個標籤,我可能不一定會加 #cn,以免同一主題延續太久惹人嫌,但持續記錄這次旅程,也會是一個很有趣的經驗吧!^^

那,我先告辭囉!お先に失礼します (osaki ni shitsurei shimasu)

images - pixabay


Two Dogs Taproom, Roppongi. - Foreign owned, English friendly, BTC and BCH accepted. One of my favorite spots!

Sushi-Bar Numazuko Ginza 1st - Great sushi in Ginza, pay with Bitcoin!

Any Bic Camera electronics store should accept Bitcoin, I think.

The Pink Cow in Roppongi. Accepts BCH and Bitcoin. Right across the intersection from Two Dogs, mentioned above.

NEM Bar - Small little bar near Shibuya that accepts all kinds of crypto currencies. TV displays current market prices. Total nerd hang out! Love it.

St. Arnould - Out of the way little place that accepts various crypto’s for food and Belgian beer. Owner is a Japanese guy originally from Nagoya. Very cool cat.

Royal Plaza 2F, 2-13-8 Akasaka

Most ATMs in Tokyo now are only fiat -> crypto. The state regulations came and half of the crypto -> fiat machines were ripped out. :(

Bitcoin.com might have a tab listing the various locations accepting BCH. There’s more than I’ve listed here, but I don’t know them all.

You are an expert!! Thanks for the great info! I hope their rates are reasonable... I might pay with fiat since I feel that bitcoin price will rise soon! ^_^

Hope so! Either way, be sure to hit the sushi place, if you can. It's really quite fresh, fun, and tasty! Conveyor belt style and also made-to-order style.


You seem worthy of my follow. Will be traveling to Japan next year, thanks for the tips


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If you are looking to get a hair cut in Tokyo and want to pay with Steem, look for @crypto.hack his shop at Ebisu.

wow, this is cool! I probably won't need a haircut but I will definitely go check it out if I pass by Ebisu! thanks!

I wish I could get down there to say hello. Maybe there’s a way.

As for crypto advice in Tokyo, I’ll ask around, but i don’t know much about what’s going on down there.

It would be great to meet you! But, no need to take too much trouble... I can say hello to you everyday, you know... lol

@kafkanarchy84 and others have given me much info... enough to keep me busy for quite a while now... :)

Glad to hear it. Have a great trip!

I passed by this shop with a crypto exchange banner while on way to Roppongi Hills. Went in to enquire about exchanging of BCH to Yen using my broken Japanese. Seems like they were accepting it. Can't remember the rates but it was really bad, this was early this year.
35.656594, 139.733624

Can't remember the rates but it was really bad

ouch, this is really the barrier.. if the rate is bad, I might still try just for the shake of doing this only. ha! thanks for the info I will look around when I go to Roppongi Hills

Nice to meet you!
I am Japanese steemian Yotaro! !

I am looking forward to seeing you on meetup!


Nice meeting you too! Look forward to chatting with you, Yotaro! Thanks and see you soon! ^^

oh yeah, I saw this video before... but it's one year old so I might need to look for updated details.. ^_^ thanks again JP expert!

That's why the little need the passport.
Have a good trip.

nothing passes ace's eyes... lol

that's not true la. Sometimes people tell me things i didn't see in the photo i posted. 😎

Wow!! Bitcoin/crypto shopping in Tokyo
Have a nice trip!


You mean don't forget to bring myself? lol .... good reminder... but I can still buy a new me there.... ha!

I live in Fukuoka, Japan at the moment!

Feel free to visit me while you're in Japan !

Cool, Fukuoka is on my list too... but the list for next time though... ^_^ thanks for the invite! I am sure I will definitely visit Fukuoka soon!

Happy to hear!

Enjoy Tokyo!!!

没有特地去寻找 Crypto 的踪迹的话,我就只在 Bic Camera 里看到 Bitcoin payment 而已。

是嗎?那等我告訴你吧~~😎😎 (你何時去的?)


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