
Shouldn't also Muslim girls have the right to decide themselves what to wear? If they want to dress traditionally, yes, why not, but in my opinion there shouldn't be a rule that they have to ...

I'm sorry but That's their culture dictated by their holy book, religious authorities and patriarchal society talking to you. Fighting it is equivalent to declaring war on them.

No: I am talking about Muslim girls who doesn't want to wear traditional clothes. Why should anybody force them? I know many Muslim women who actually prefer to dress in a more western style (do you know, how many Iranian women dress if they are outside of their country? How many Indonesian women dress?) - if I agree to that I am not declaring a war to them but support them and their wish to decide themselves about their lives. :)

At the same time I also respect these Muslim women who want to dress traditionally: if they want it is alright, but if they are forced because of the rules of their governments or because of their husbands I don't accept it.

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