Prague/Czech Republic - Wednesday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel6 years ago

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Hello fellow Steemians,

I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.

The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.

Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.

There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @nenio:

Photo of a water wheel of a mill in the Prague neighborhood known as Čertovka or Little Prague Venice, for its canal. It is located in the famous area of Malá Strana or Lesser Quarter. This canal dates back to the 12th century.

Click on the image for a large view

I rewarded @nenio entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other entries.

Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Price of 40 SBD / 40 USD: 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - MONTHLY WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT - October 2018!

Collection of some of the most amazing photos from Prague/Czech Republic submitted recently by your fellow Steemians

ColorChallenge - Purple Sunday - @worldcapture in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Prague/Czech Republic - Sunday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!


upvote follow resteem.gif


View of the St. Lawrence Church (Kostel svatého Vavřince in the Czech language) - a picturesque late Baroque church found in the South Moravian town of Hodonin. Built between 1780 and 1786, the church is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.

It's fascinating how many of those little churches and fountains we have scattered all around the country in every little town or even little villages. What a great heritage we all have from our ancestors.

Just like the dark clouds are currently gathering over the crypto world, they were gathering over my Czech hometown some time ago. The other day, however, the weather was bright and sunny, just like the future of the crypto world, hopefully :)


Palace of Czerins, Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Everything looks different at night ... It's six o'clock in the afternoon. The palace is illuminated from the outside, but it is dark inside. Officials no longer work. It seems that the international situation is calm nowadays. So I can go to sleep too.

Coby totální foto amatér asi nemám právo nijak hodnotit, ale v mých očích se s každou fotkou zlepšuješ. Jen tak dál kolego.

Děkuji. Technicky se nezlepšuji. Ale začal jsem fotografii vnímat jako umění. Před tím to pro mě byla pouhá ilustrace.

The Train Station in Uherské Hradiště.
The building of the railways station in Uherské Hradiště was built in 1930 according to the design of the architect Karel Dvořák. The folk artist Ruzena Falesnikova created the beautiful decoration. The building became the winner of the competition for the most beautiful train station in the Czech Republic in 2011. It´s always my pleasure to travel from this statition to Prague.


Jo v Hradišti je krásné nádraží :) Mimochodem, naše opavské vyhrálo tu samou soutěž o rok později ;)


When I visited the Jizera Mountains, I reached a place called the Heavenly Ladder. You can reach it from Lázně Libverda along the red path. It is a relatively steep output that is diversified through the route through the swampy area shown in the picture.

Tenhle motiv cesty do neznáma mám moc rád :) Parádní fotka.

Cesky Krumlov
from its entrance it is like opening the covers of a book of stories, a river that winds around the town, with a wooden bridge that crosses it; surrounded by greenery with greenery that calls for an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, the noise of running water and the architecture of its buildings full of color, make this beautiful place imagine walking through the pages of a story and back in time; walk its narrow streets; observe from a distance the dome in green and gold of his church; and enter the castle that dominates the city, a medieval castle, full of murals and stonework; with its pilleta in the entrance and its large patio surrounded by objects of the time such as cannons and carts and its beautiful view from the top of the town in a piasaje of cover of this story that makes us feel children imagining princes and maidens and cheered by the colorful ocher roofs with a backdrop of green hills of vegetation and trees.

Walking among its streets, and going through each point and each place, is incredible, beautiful, from another moment. Cesky Krumlov only 170 km from Prague, the road is not by highway but it is passable, you can go by car very well. It is to spend a whole weekend (we went without a reservation and could not get accommodation, I advise booking well in advance).

Sedlec Ossuary
This is a small church, but quite fascinating. They are in the process of excavating more bones outside, so you can look in on a real archaeological dig as well right now. All the bones are real. The designs are eerily beautiful. It is definitely worth seeing.

Prague Castle
Visiting one of the biggest castles in the world makes you live the historical period The basilica inside the castle😍 Breathtaking views😄 The changing of the guard The places and rooms where there was life.

St. Vitus Cathedral
An absolutely senseless sight. I highly recommend. Walking is a lot because of it I recommend to go at least in the other direction by tram. Several other attractions in the same place. Climbing the tower requires good condition and head.

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