Dear Diary: What Is It Like To Be In Krakow?

in #travel6 years ago



You tell me, I never even went outside this tiny island where I live. The farthest travel I had done was when I was still a sperm from my father fighting along with other sperms to reach my mother's egg. That is a long fight and ultimately I won obviously and here i am telling you other champions about that first travel of our lives, too bad I can't remember it.

But in this island where I live the farthest I had been was to my grandmother's home up in the northern mountains where I went for a vacation for four months just to spend some time with my relatives there because I want to spend time with them because I thought that when my kidney would finally fail, that is it, at least I get to be with my relatives before that happens, but I didn't die and lived many years after that until now.

The second farthest I had been was in my relatives from my mother's side of the family down south which is relatively near. I should have been with my relatives there even for a while because the family ties there is much stronger as well as the "knit" of the community is much closer and people are humble and down-to-earth because it is a rural area where people are poor and just managing small crops.

The other place I had been into was this beach from a province called "Bataan", and there with my other co-patients and staffs went together just to enjoy the beach and unwind after out Thanksgiving day. I only had been able to go for a couple of times because the next instances were only for the staffs themselves. Well it is hard if you are not member of the "club."

Had it not been for my medical demise I could have gone to a more distant place maybe for work or for a vacation and it was one of my frustrations in life, not being somewhere I wanted to be and got replaced by being somewhere where I do not want to be like the dialysis center. And as fro Krakow, let Krakow be for the people who can afford to go to Krakow.


It's been (or still is) very nice cultural town. same as St. Petersburg in Rusia. Krakow was the central site of the Nazi General Government during WWII

Hola hijo mío.
No importa que no viajemos ni mucho ni a menudo. Solo basta hacer viajes con nuestra mente y disfrutar de ellos.
La imaginación no tiene límites.
Saludos y que Dios te Bendiga CAMPEÓN.

I wish I was there too, I want to see steem greats, unfortunately not everyone can make it there, the atmosphere there will be different, don't worry my friend you will go anywhere you want in future Amen

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