How to communicate in essential Spanish, the worlds 2nd largest language ; you should probably know some of this : )

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Today Mandarin is the number one language, second is Spanish over 400 million people in over 20 countries . . .

Many countries accept English but learning Spanish is great to keep the mind active and sharpen those neurons. Like exercise for the body and muscles if your do not work your brain your going to forget your memory : )

The BEST way is to jump on plane and just live in another country for 3 or 6 months. Necessity will force you to learn to communicate and learn quickly; of course I suggest you select a nice peaceful stable country for such a radical lifestyle experiment. So let us not uproot our life and just learn enough to basically communicate ! ! !

Understand that while you might suck at Spanish most people are generally nice and helpful and respectable so they will try and help you and not always try and take advantage of a tourist. Most countries legal services take a very hard line enforcement of locals who mess with foreigners, it is bad for business generally. But of course stay smart and stay safe.


sombrero = ( hat )
Dressing like a local might seem smart, until you accidentally violate some accepted local custom; best to look like what you are, an outsider. Rather than risk offending someone greatly . . .

Another thing is if your travelling do not expect others to respect your own cultural beliefs, romance, religion and privacy are things that can quickly jeopardize your safety and freedom. Understand different countries have very strange beliefs about appropriate dress and gender equality ! ! !

A local might know a lot more English than your few Spanish words, of course you can sign language and you have your awesomely handy dual language dictionary. In fact if you are open and friendly the local might point you to a larger shop or official building where someone might be able to communicate.

During the height of the Russian Empire it was widely known any foreigner could set up a tent in down town Moscow. Anyone in old communist Russia who mixed it up with a foreigner got a free one way ticket to a frozen Siberian labor camp . . . You see not everything about Communism was bad ; )


agua (water) , understand the more common a thing the more different words can mean the same thing ; learn your local lingo ! ! !

The locals might be able to stomach the local bugs or germs from their environment. However your from another land, that means SEALED bottled water even for brushing teeth. Safety food handling and eating , otherwise you might spend your holiday on the toilet. Maybe even get to give your travel insurance a workout in the hospital ! ! !

Water gives life; no water = no living . . .

Do not worry about how to pronounce these words, the locals will try and understand; once they realize your an outsider they will try and help you; assuming your not walking in some back alley at 3 AM in the morning. Always check out your government travel advisory's and websites about sensible things and make sure you have your local technology working, your travel guide is probably your most reliable friend overseas ! ! !


The RED CROSS usually always means medical health care a corresponding organisation is the RED CRESCENT like a ' curved moon shape '...


baño . . .
Guess what this means...


What every you might think of your local LEO's overseas the police are probably your most helpful friends, just do not expect them to be overjoyed that you are treating them like a tourist information service. (Law Enforcement Officers)= police ; LEO's are basically society's bodyguards to try and make the place safer for everyone , they generally do a thankless job for mainly unappreciative people . . .


Banks will most likely speak English and can organize contact to your Consult or Embassy , who knows they might not even expect you to open an account for their help : )


el hospital
This is probably the last essential words you should know; emergency or hospital. Now we do the nice to know words...


" ayuda is help " ! ! ! while ' Por favor ' means please


' lo siento ' is something like " sorry "...


dinero makes the world go around . . .


hora = time.


There are many different ways to say things so speak carefully there are over a dozen ways to say Hello = HOLA...


el taxi
Taxis you gotta get around right, depending taxis might be a more practical option than finding connections on the public transportation networks. You have planned these things before you left home right ? ; )

Obviously we could add in more like hotel, accommodation, bus, lost or food; but we are trying to stick to probably the most useful dozen words as a start : )

Thank You Pixabay.C and Steemimg.C for the pics...

These dozen words might just manage to help you keep your stress and frustrations under control as well as give the locals their daily dose of laughter ! ! !

Who are you networking with ; )


Muy bien hecho mi amigo, yo no era consciente de que pensaba muy bien de los españoles :)

Además, me di cuenta de que estaban siguiendo mi camino de curaduría. Gracias por tan bien...


OK next post will include the words
and crap . . .

Please do not tell me i am reaching 4 my
9781438006031 ...

Might take a week but I will decode the secret message lol : )

thank you for the challenge ; )

You'll be fine, just stay away from the Banco, they will rob you blind...

banco is bank LOL, I am in Florida so I feel it might be a useful language . . .

At least some of the words sort of work by sounding similar ! ! !

Yes, bank robbery has taken on a whole new meaning. You put money in the bank and the bank steals it...

I have had two bank accounts that i had small amounts of money in and after 7 years the government just seized the ' abandoned accounts ' . . .

I have had two retirement funds where they cleaned out all the money in fees and after they emptied one of the accounts they threatened to take me to court for the $33 my administration fee for the account maintenance after they had robbed all the money out and left it empty ! ! !

google translate ... since my english spanish dic and visual dictionary failed . . .

Very well done my friend, I was not aware that thought very well of the Spanish :)

Also, I realized that they were following my way conservatorship. Thank so well ...


lol, close :)

very well done my friend, I wasn't aware you thought so highly of the Spanish :)

Also, I noticed you were following my curation trail. Thanks for that as well...


I am no techno-guru like the younger crowd, I was worried about account safety with all the signing in stuff : )

I prefer to take people as I find them and want to challenge this " old mind " with a distraction of something technically hard but potentially useful . . .

My 300 second a day exercise program for the body and Spanish for the mind ! ! !

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