A Day in the Life of a Travel Blogger, Contributed by @TangerineTravels

in #travel6 years ago


We've been on the road and traveling through Mexico for a little over two months. Every single day we're putting out new blogs and vlogs.

It might seem like we're always experiencing something amazing and while that's true to an extent, there's a tremendous amount of work that goes into it. We end up spending the majority of our days working rather than playing.

We (Jordan and Maddie) don't have any particular defined roles but we have each come to take on unique roles in our adventures.

7:00 am

I (Jordan) wakes up and spends a few minutes checking the stats from over night. Did we earn any affiliate sales? How many new subscribers did we get on YouTube? How many views did we get on YouTube?

7:10 am

I do one of two things: Either get out the Kindle and start reading a book in Spanish or start writing a blog post. I desperately need to expand my Spanish vocabulary and reading with a Kindle helps tremendously. We try to get three blog posts written and one new video edited and uploaded every day. One blog post accompanies our new video for that day and the other two posts are donated to @communitycoin.

I find that I'm most productive in the morning so I like to get some stuff done as soon as I wake up.

8:30 am

Maddie wakes up and Jordan takes a shower. Maddie starts editing video footage from the day before.

9:00 am

Both of us spend some time replying to comments on Steemit, Youtube, and Facebook and we get ready to go to breakfast.

10:00 am

Breakfast time! We'll walk to breakfast and likely get some footage on the way there; footage of us talking or of some scenery around us.


11:30 am

We finish up with breakfast and head back to our Airbnb to get some more work done. Maddie usually edits more video at this point while I spend some more time writing blog posts.

After we get enough work done, we might do a wide variety of things:

  • spend more time replying to comments
  • reading
  • Spanish lessons
  • learning SEO
  • optimizing our video tags
  • doing research on various YouTube search terms
  • figuring out which search terms we should target next
  • brainstorm with each other
  • talking about upcoming videos we can do
  • more research on YouTube's best practices
  • research how to increase our subscribership
  • leave comments on similar YouTube channels to ethically "poach" their subscribers
  • read and comment on other Steemit posts


5:00 pm

Head out for dinner. See some sights on the way, shoot more video, and stop by a couple street vendors for some cheap snacks.

6:30 pm

Find an affordable restaurant to grab some dinner.

7:45 pm

Return to our Airbnb and start working on that random list from above.

9:00 pm

Do we have 3 blog posts written and one video uploaded? If not, we'll quickly finish those and Maddie will usually take a shower around this time.

10:00 pm

Get out the Kindle and either read or quiz each other on Spanish vocabulary.

10:30 pm

Go to sleep before doing this all over again tomorrow.

Our schedule can vary a lot day-to-day but if there's such a thing as our "typical" schedule, it would be something like this. We do get to see a ton of new places and there's no shortage of new experiences for us. However, it's not as glamorous as it might seem.

Our focus is on building our brand and earning enough money each day so we can continue doing what we're doing. We don't have a lot of funds to take tours, eat at fancy restaurants, or stay at expensive hotels. At this point, it's all about growing our following so we continue doing what we're doing and hopefully, enjoy more luxuries in the future.


If you enjoyed this post, follow us @TangerineTravels

Our YouTube goal is to hit 500 subscribers by April 25th.
Help us get there! Subscribe to our channel
Progress: 265/500


Nice ..
Sounds like an enjoyable trip, good for you
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Reading your post, getting to the breakfast time and pausing in deep sadness that I can 't have that beautiful food.

But srsly guys, keep on creating amazing content!

Thanks for checking it out!

Can i join you?

Haha, the more the merrier!

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i am the for fourth hokage just say the word and i will be there with you with my yellow flash. wow nice

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