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RE: TLCA Cruise Moab 2016

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure what I like most about all this...
At first, the travel itch part of my brain just wanted to see pics of Moab (being on my to-see list) all while glimpsing into the life of Riverhead.
Then I see the MUSE witness slide right there in the desert haha. Can't help but smile.

But the most powerful thought was the realization that I felt like sharing stuff of my own. Normally, for me at least, posting content would have 1 point for it, I get to share things I like. But it also comes with a point against it, I could be doing something else with that time that would be "more productive" to myself. Well for some reason, I don't feel that with STEEM because I would actually be doing something potentially productive.
Now the pros outweight the cons! There's the fun part of sharing (altruistic reason) and the self-interested reason of earning crypto.
I never usually bothered with mining BTC or any other altcoin. But this is different! I feel the urge to start mining with STEEM and Steemit. If it has this effect on me, I doubt I will be the only one...

Anyway thanks Riverhead for assisting in this lightbulb moment ^^


Happy to be of service :). Moab was certainly a bucket list for me. I didn't have any intention of going but then a seat opened up in a buddy's truck and I hoped on a plane (that makes it sounds so easy lol). If you have the desire and ability I highly recommend it. Photos do not do this place justice.

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