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RE: Australia #1 - Manly, New South Wales

in #travel7 years ago

Good morning! Trip was Feb.-April 2016 but I am re-living it on steem!

Check this out:

They asked me to help with beta test - I think it's brilliant! Some issues with some posts I've done, but they are fixing it - except they have to stop for a few days for exams lol! Don't think they are ready yet for multiple users, when they are I'll let you know!

Only 59 or so more posts then I will be in NZ!

Enjoy your day!


OHh OK but still great to follow you on it

that Map s such a cool idea ;)

Thought you would like it - you'll recognize the shots I've used to test the app!

Yes I saw them

It's a great idea look forward to seeing it go live

If you're interested the developers would be happy to have some more testing. What I think they need is confirmation of how to deal with very large cluster markers. If you did multiple posts in NYC - Milford this would give them some ideas. They plan to add filters so you can sort by author, tag, etc. but the sheer volume of the pins ultimately could be challenging. So dealing with marker clusters could be key.

If you are in fact interested it's pretty simple and not very time consuming:

If you look at my post, I put the last line on worldsteemitmap in a word document so I can copy it into my post whenever I need it.

I use Google Earth to get the lat long (decimal format) but Google Maps will work too. I window steem and Google Earth so I can read the lat long and enter them manually.

I also have the worldsteemitmap open in a tab. When you post you will get a reply almost immediately saying you are in the database, with a link to the map, but since you already have the map open go to that tab and hit F5 to refresh, and there it is!

If your post doesn't populate they would like to know.

It would be cool if you can help because I think this is going to be a really good tool!


Yeah I would be willing to help test it

I see the entry at the for the map seems not to difficult to do

If they want me to help let me know

Yeah - they told me OK for you to join in!

Cool I just tried adding a post with a couple of photos,
Just looked at Map and do not see it does it take a while to update on there or perhaps I messed up how I did it

Nothing on map and I don't see a new post from you on your page - can you send me the link and I'll check it out?

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