My trip - Donglin Temple Buddha (Original) 东林寺拜佛

in #travel7 years ago

Donglin Temple is a long history of the temple, Donglin Temple since its construction, has been 1600 years of history, Is the birthplace of Buddhism Pure Land (also known as Lianzong), Today I would like to take you to continue to visit this temple, Donglin Temple from the beginning of 2010, open to tourists, do not accept a penny of tickets, visitors only need to dress neatly, There is no loud noise here, I like to come here, "Quiet" and "Clean"
东林寺是一座历史悠久的寺院,东林寺自建造以来,已有1600多年历史, 是佛教净土宗(又称莲宗)的发源地,也被日本佛教净土宗和净土真宗视为祖庭,汉唐时成为中国佛教八大道场之一, 今天我想带你们继续参观这座古寺庙, 东林寺从2010年开始,对游客开放,不收一分钱的门票,游客进入只需要衣着整齐,女士不过于宣扬,就不会被大师们挡在庙门外, 许多次见过来自全国各地游客遇到这个情况, 进入寺庙这里有许多规则游客们应该学会, 遇到修行的道人双手合手“阿弥陀佛” 这是一个简单的交流, 在这里没有大声的吵闹喧哗,我喜欢来这里的 “静” 和 “净”

In the Donglin Temple of the main hall in the war era was destroyed, and today we see is to rebuild the main hall, the most spectacular is the king of the temple, the four kings, the formation of the first landscape, Donglin Temple White Lotus introduction, is said to be Hui Far more than a thousand years ago, the formation of the white lotus, in the temple of the east and west of the two ponds are planted from the white lotus, and now visitors can enjoy the millennium lotus, should be grateful to the master
在东林寺的大雄宝殿在战争年代被破坏,今天我们看到的是修善过重建的大雄宝殿,最壮观的就是这天王殿,四大天王,形成第一景观,东林寺白莲的来历介绍, 据说是慧远在1千多年前,组建了白莲社,在这座寺庙的东边和西边两个池塘都种起了白莲,现在的游客能欣赏到这千年的莲花,都应该感谢这位大师

Many of the temples in the country, people burning incense may have to be charged, but here the incense is free, as long as you are willing to study, you can stay here long, in the Donglin Temple of the library, there are many Books on Buddhism, learning And to understand this temple is a good place

Donglin Temple has a smart spring water, it is said that people who drink the water will become clever:)
东林寺有一个聪明泉,据说喝了聪水的人都会变得聪水, 信不信, 我和姐妹们爬了几百个台阶,穿过这片竹林,见到了这座古塔, 这应该是这里保存较为完整的古建筑了,在这里抽签,许愿都会灵验

the diet of the temple believers, visitors in the Donglin Temple dining, breakfast, lunch and lunch are free, there are elegant rooms to provide meals with meals, simple acid beans, pickles, fried beans Fried cabbage, tofu has become the favorite dish.
最后再介绍下寺庙信徒的饮食, 游客们在东林寺用餐,早餐,中餐和午餐都是免费的,但这里也有提供素餐,也有雅间提供给游客们用餐,简单的酸豆角,咸菜,炒豆,炒白菜, 豆腐, 辣椒酱 成了人们最喜欢的菜.

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beautiful temple, nice food :)

Wow cool 😎 photos and the food 🥘 looks good too!

Very interesting👍

The all pics are very beautiful and give a sense of calmness. Recently I also made a post about macro photography. Do not forget to check it out.

Thank you, Your macro photos very cute, followed you ,

thanx dear.




蚂蚱这张图,有来历的,一次外出,它直接飞到我车里面,送上门的模特 ,哈哈


已关注你啦 :)

Beautiful, thanks for sharing. The bamboo forest looks so cool!

I m fan of Buddhism


Wow. Looks great. Interesting food too...
Thanks for sharing :)

Nice pictures, nice place, nice people! Looking forward for your new posts.

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