I am actually homeless - a dream that came true...

in #travel6 years ago

Being homeless is kinda interesting feeling. I have place to stay, but not my own home. A place I can feel like my home. Last time I had apartment was in October when I lived in Wroclaw, Poland. After that I have been living in different places , at moms, friends on hostels. A part of this is a life choice and one part is not.

Last year in march I had to move from my apartment in Finland because the owners had sold it. At the same time I was wondering what I should do. Where should I go? I made the decision to move abroad. Got a job in Poland for six months that I took. Before that I went one month to India and one month in Ukraine. I always thought that, I will find a job after that, should not be any problem in my country Finland, or in Sweden. Not in my wildest dreams would I have thought that it would have been so difficult to find a job in Scandinavia. At least I have some freelancing work, but still looking for that job that gives you are steady income.

I always had a dream to live like this, to be free and be able to work from anywhere in the world

Here in the photo I had packed my bags and leaving my home that I had been living in for 8 years.

I always had a dream to live like this, to be free and be able to work from anywhere in the world. After almost a year living like that I feel that it is not my thing. I do miss a home. Every time I walk by a interior store I feel sad because I want to decorate my own place.

I love traveling and I will do it as much as I can, but I think all of us need that place that we can call our home.

Have anyone of you out there been living like this? How do you feel always living on the road?

Oh well, maybe I find a place soon that I can settle down at.

And I am so thankful for all my friend and family who are with me and support me.

And to all of you who have a dream. When it comes true, it might not be what you were hoping it would be.


I will be following you. My three children and I have been on our own homeless journey.

You will get there my dear, you can make it!

Thank you! I am sure I will. I can only imagine how it is when you have kids. Can't be easy.

I lived on the road for 9 months back in 2011, doing jobs in countries around the Baltic Sea. It was fun and exciting for a while, but by the end of those nine months I came to realise that I missed having a place of my own, a place to relax, have my things around me, not be moving every few weeks, and waking up without trying to remember which language I'm supposed to speak today and which currency to use in the store. I think I understand how you feel.

And it seems like I'll be leaving my home in Gävle in a couple of months from now. Possibly moving abroad – or at least to a different city in Sweden.

Have you considered Portugal? You can find some seriously cheap rental places there and the cost of living is much lower than in Finland or Sweden, while the quality of life is better (although it can be highly subjective, of course).

Thank you for sharing this, Oleg. It is exactly like this. It was fun in the beginning, but now i just want settel down. I would like to stay in Sweden because I like it here, but it is expensive. Right now I am visiting in Denmark and here it is even worse.

I have been thinking about Portugal. It would be nice if I would find a job there also. Now I am freelancing and I kinda would like to do less of that and be hired by a company. I am kinda getting tired of struggling :D A monthly income is kinda nice.

Hi @betteday
I'm experimenting something similar and it's not an easy choice to make becuse either way you will loose something, right?
I hope you will find the best solution for you
Wish you a warm welcome :)

Thank you very much. Yes, it is not easy. It was a weird feeling putting all my stuff in a storage room and just take two bags and leave. I will see how long I will manage :D I wish you good luck in your experiment. :)

I've been voluntarily homeless before. It's liberating at first. After some time, it can become challenging. It depends on perspective. If you feel stuck in a location, it's liberating. If you feel stuck homeless, it's terrible. The issue of homelessness fascinates me.

Hello and welcome here. Good luck on your journeys!

Thank you very much :)

Rohkeeta! Kaikkea hyvää matkallesi! :)

Kiitos. Elämä on seikkailu :D

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