The blue, blue hills of Fiord-lands!

in #travel6 years ago

After Milford Sounds, we would book-in at Queenstown the next day. Where apparently there were some exciting activities to look forward to.

See where Te Anua and Queenstown are on the map of the lower part of New Zealand’s south island:.

It was time to relax:

After the adventurous time at Milford Sounds, all we wanted to do was relax. But on our way back to our lodgings that night in Te Anua, we came across this beautiful panoramic view and had to get out our car to photograph it.

The far-off blue hills:

Our son and I walked down the road, taking photos as we went. I marveled as I looked around for interesting angles to take shots of the scene before us. 

This wide open space made me feel really free, especially after the enclosed valleys of Milford. I remember thinking, “If someone were to pinch me now, I would wake up and sadly find this all a fantastic unbelievable dream I’m experiencing!” 

But we had to get back in the car again… oh, well, I suppose we have to!! 

It was late:

We were very tired by the time we got back to Te Anua. So sleep was very welcome and sweet in our little chalets, after our long day of excitement. The next morning we packed up and were… 

On our way to Queenstown.

At least half of the west coast of New Zealand’s south island is Fiord-lands and dotted with beautiful lakes. 

I think it’s important to take photos of the countryside as you travel. It gives you a better understanding of what the country is all about. It is a vital link between towns. So, here I’m taking photos again, while the car is moving.  

Photo challenges:

Taking photos while a car is moving, is quite challenging and frustrating, to say the least of it.   

Your timing is very important, because of the closing timing of the camera shutter. When to open up your camera and get the right light value settings, etc. And, when to press the shutter button… at the right time! 

  • You have to look well ahead to check out any possible nice scenes and also gauge the possible conditions of the immediate foreground, further down the road, on your side of the car.
  • Why? Because by the time you do get down the road to that point, there could be unforeseen obstructions around the corner, like a signpost, some trees, high fences and cut-through hills in the way. 

You know… where the road cuts through a hill or mountain. And you have rolling wedges and banks of earth, rising up and blocking your vision of the beautiful scenery behind it… just as you click your camera! 

You will see I zoomed in with one of the photos (bottom left) to get a close up of a lake’s far side. And the result was somewhat like an abstract don’t you think!?  

Driving into Queenstown, 

On both sides of the town there are mountains, and a low bluff with a lake in between. We turn up a road on our right side to look for our lodgings. 

And once in our lodgings, we looked out over the town. And it looked just what I imagine you would expect Switzerland would look like.  

It was such a wide panoramic view, I had to stitch several photos together, so you could get a better idea of what our view was like, out the lounge window. 

Queenstown is a town of action:

Our grandsons had brought along their mountain bikes bolted to the back of their pick-up. So as soon as they had unpacked, they were eager to check out the cycling arena up on the mountainside. 

I don’t know if they used the cable car up the mountain to get to the arena, because I stayed behind to do our washing in the launderette provided in the complex. 

We spent about two days in Queenstown, but I’ll give you all that, what we did there, in the next couple of blogs. 


Yeah, when we have our passion we tend to be extra meticulous. As you say "timing". It has to be perfect. Others might say it is perfect already, but in our eyes the certain something is not there.

'Taking photos of the countryside's is indeed important to understand the grander picture of what makes a place tick.
New Zealand surely has a more healthy way of linking nature with infrastructure, instead of one coming at the cost of others like in many industrial countries.

Funny that you say 'relax' from Milford Sound. It was adventurous, no doubt, but the waterfalls and absence of car noise seems like relaxation itself, doesn't it? :)

Because of the timing factor while taking photos, when the car is on the move, you miss some really lovely shots!
The reason New Zealand is so clean and beautiful, is the fact that they especially reduced industrial factories, to stop pollution.
Hard to relax when you are so excited. Each moment holds another beautiful thing to see!

New Zealand is the country I want to visit. With each your message, this desire to become stronger.
Your message in which you describe travel - this is something that allows me to relax and get a visual pleasure.
Thank you

So glad my blogs on travelling through New Zealand has given you pleasure and made you feel relaxed. I guess for you, you don't have to worry about driving, etc. You can just sit back and enjoy the trip right there at your own home, (perhaps in an armchair?)!! He he!

This blue hills of Fiord-lands really very attractive scenery .your travelling place just remarkable.i hope that,you enjoy your time of good place.this last photo of cycle flying position really very zealand is a wonderfull city..this city every place very excellent.this sky clouds and mountain touching my mind.thanks to sharing for your good post of travelling..very well done.. @artguru

Just you wait. I have an oil painting (I did) with mist and clouds caressing the mountain tops on the way to Fox Glacier, in a future blog.

Oh,dear really awesome concept thought of you.i am waiting your best oil painting. I hope that,i am very early to see your painting on your best blog.. Keep it up my dear friend. ..all the best..take care yourself..thank you.. @artguru

I'm falling more and more in love with New Zealand with each of your posts.
It is a stunning place 😍

your travel to newzland is looking really awsome!mavilious photography its look similar to my village!

Do you appreciate the fact you live right there in that type of scenery!?
Do you go hiking or picnicking in the hills, etc?

yes all the above you mentioned are availbale their i use to do that!

It looks like a hell of a travell, hope you have enjoyed well, and when you get tired after watching such scenic beauty you sleep like a baby that night, well this place seems awesome, clouds and mountains touching each other.

Very nice pic and post.
Don't forget to upvote, reply and follow

your travel blogs are of another level
the way you describe it all feels lively

New Zealand is so beautiful. I mean, it does not seem of this earth, not to me. It really is like something made up. But at the same time nothing man made can be this beautiful. You have made me fall in love with New Zealand. A must visit place

Wow! What an adventurous moment for you and your crew.
Sincerely, travelling is a memorable experience that nearly everyone wants to get featured in. It has a way of easing our psyches.

Nice photographs of thrilling sites.
Thanks for sharing @artguru

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