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RE: My Bucket List - Things to Do and I have Done Before I Die

in #travel7 years ago

That's an amazing bucket list! And #92 just came out of nowhere:-)

My advice to help with #65 would be to skip John Galt's speech near the end - that will increase your chances of finishing the book dramatically!

I wish you a fast completion of the list and plenty more new things to add to it.


The John Galt's speeh is so boring lol though I really like the book and The Fountainhead.

Wow it's not everyday I come across someone who reads the same book! :)


So boring! Okay, we get it, John Galt likes the sound of his own voice, but come on! It's one of my favorite books, but it could have used a ruthless editor to trim about 100 pages from it, maybe more.

Yeah, I would think there is an above average chance on Steemit to meet someone who's read Atlas Shrugged, but I could be wrong. I would be more surprised if I interacted with someone who read The Count Of Monte Cristo, the Robin Buss unabridged 1000+ page version. That would be awesome:)

Omg lol, I'm already having a hard time finishing the book. I was slowly reading Atlas Shrugged and savoring every part of it. Then I stopped for a while because that book took some space in my bag lol. Ebooks hurt my eyes, I prefer the smell of old books. Mine was a used book.

You are probably right, steemit is a diverse community and there's more chance of finding someone here reading the same book than when I was traveling, I guess.

And there are probably more libertarians here on average than on any social media site on the internet.

I prefer physical books to ebooks too...traveling with a book in my bag or back pocket...that's the life!

Yeah, that's why since I've signed up here, I'm less visible on Facebook. I got attacked for just posting my honest view on politics and life lol. Anyway I'm not getting rewarded for years of posting content there. So, I'm done.

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