
absolutely impressive these buildings, so beautiful. thanks for sharing :)

I like looking through my old pictures. Some look nicer than the wikipedia ones. Thank you for visiting.

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1989 Tiananmen Square protests
The Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn) or Six four, were student-led demonstrations in Beijing in mid-1989 and was the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests were forcibly suppressed after the government declared martial law and sent in the military to occupy central parts of Beijing. In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with assault rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundreds to up to 2,600, with additional thousands of wounded.Set off by the death of pro-reform Communist leader Hu Yaobang in April 1989, amid the backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post-Mao China, the protests reflected anxieties about the country's future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite.

Best keep that to yourself if you visit the place.

Posted using Partiko Android

I swear the day Ibposted is merely coincidence. Did your link call the bot?

In Korea they don't talk about this because they are afraid of the consequences. Ironically the current government is investigating a similar incident in Gwangju that happened in 1980 May 18 which was more successful.

I'm speculating here but if the Chinese movement was more successful Korea's other big problem would have gone away before it became the unmanageable mess it is today.

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It really is massive with some beautiful architecture!
Sounds like a fascinating place to visit!
Thanks for sharing!

I really liked it there. It's a shame the visa is annoying to get or I would visit more often.

I wonder how many people can fit in that square and if the all jumped at the same time, would there be an earthquake? Despite the dreariness it makes mosy squares I've seen look utterly unimpressive in comparison.

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The air pollution makes it look dreary, but the revolutionary tunes liven it up. My office elevator is maybe 4m2 and can fot 24 persons or 6 per m2. 880x500 is 440000m2 so lets say 1,760,000 adult communists can fit in that square.

That many people at say 60 kg each with their red books in hand would weigh 105600 tons. I'm no expert but if they jumped with reverent devotion their leaders inspire, that would probably cause a decent sized earth quake.

Litter bugs are everywhere
And it is sad
This is a place I definitely want to visit
Thank you for walking me through first through the pics :D

Thanks. I hope you visit one day, too.

A place I want to visit for sure. But in these days I remember the students died there in 1989. It was the 3rd and 4th of June when the violent crackdown on a popular uprising happened.

I know a few people who join the vigils in Hong Kong every year. I wonder how much longer that will last? I doubt if it will ever have a happy ending? On a positive note, a lot of good happened in other authoritarian countries in 1989.

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I was about to ask if that was low cloud or pollution, that is disgusting to live and breathe in that air all the time.

The old buildings must be fascinating, you have done a great job in showing it the way you saw it.

Really hope next time you go the air is cleaner, worldwide is starting to take notice of what is happening to planet earth, our filth.

They are merging Beijing into a city of 50 million people or so. Unless they ban human activity or there are significant technological sevelopments, I guess the pollution and smog will remain. Hopefully it gets a little better. I heard it was worse then, but the government decides what is a blue sky day and I'm pretty sure that was a blue sky day.

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With so many people in one city (that is approx our whole country size) no wonder it is filthy and polluted with smog. Not saying our country is not filthy, humans are a disgrace to themselves worldwide.

te felicito por las fotos amigo, enverdad nos mostraste el lugar

Thanks. It look me awhile to select and organize them.

Posted using Partiko Android

Seems like weather wasn't best, but seems like an awesome place never the less.

Its smog, not weather. I would like to go back ome day.

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