Travel:Exploring Reunion Island - Part 2

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Almost two weeks have passed since we stepped foot on the beautiful Reunion Island.

Our plans have completely changed, but perhaps our early misfortune has been a blessing in disguise.

This is a follow up to the blog I wrote recently, and today I share some of what we've been busy with this past week.


As last weeks' post stated, our plans to live here on Reunion came a cropper as what we believe to be false promises were made, which forced us to re-think the idea of @osm0sis's job offer and settling on the Island for the foreseeable future.

To be honest, Saint Denis is by no means the prettiest part of the Island and once we started our exploring, this became very apparent. As the capital, this is where the majority of the work is found, but there are no beaches and the general vibe is that of a town mainly used for short stays and those working in the local shops and industries.

Some highlights of the last week soon, but first I want to write a little about my memories of travelling as a 21 year old, as opposed to today, aged 39.

When I was a lad

I took a bank loan out to go see the world. I lied to the bank (sorry Barclays I did pay you back though!) and said I was buying a car. Which Bank would give you seven thousand pounds to go spend outside of the country you'd borrowed it from?!

Back then, plans weren't kept for long. You'd just go with the crowd, or not, depending on your mood. I had 1 rucksack, and felt as free as a bird. I hired bikes, took cheap buses, stayed in some really basic places, but it didn't matter - it was new to me, and my back could handle it!

These days it's a bit different. This is partly due to the fact I don't have a loan in my bank, and I (we) require an internet location to write blogs to fund our travels. Twenty years later, as you would expect, it's not as cheap as it was back then, and our current location necessitates a car to get around.

These things combined add to the cost and to the stress a little, and I guess I'm also finding living out of a bag a little harder than I remember.

Anyway, that's enough complaining, because this Island is beautiful!

What else does Reunion have to offer?

Well besides from some beautiful beaches and lagoons, what about those mountains, lakes, rivers, and trees!

Grand Étang

Earlier this week, we visited a lake in the mountains on the west side of the Island. Grand Étang (Large Pond!) is a the name of the lake and it is the largest on the island of Réunion.


Whilst 'only' about 500 metres above sea level, you still get the feeling of being in the clouds as the tops of the mountains that surround the lake are topped with clouds.


Its inflow is a short creek from the waterfall Cascade Biberon of the Bras d'Annette creek. It does not have an outflow. And you should be able to see this waterfall in the distance on the 2nd photo.

During this walk, we also met a group of these awesome looking trees. They reminded me of the trees that sprang to life in the movie 'Maleficent'.

Got wood? :D

Further down the coast, more waterfalls and this time they flow almost directly into the sea.



Piton de la Fournaise

Out of the sea, and into the fire. The Piton de la Fournaise (Peak of the Furnace) is a shield volcano on the eastern side of Réunion. It takes most of an hour from the coast by car to reach the parking locations, but you get some fantastic views along the way.

The volcano erupted as recently as last year (2017), and is one of the worlds most active volcanoes. I'm going with 'luckily', today, it was stable for us and here are a few photos from today's trip.








I feel totally spoiled after today's trip into the clouds. I hope you enjoyed the views because I certainly did!

A taste of 'home'

In some ways, these shots reminded me of the UK. Perhaps its the cows. Yes I'm pretty sure it's the cows, the difference here is that these ones have a much better view than the ones i'm used to seeing, and are grazing at around 2000 feet. These are the planes on the west side of the Volcano, and is some of the best land on the island for livestock.



What a cracking view they have!

Beasties everywhere

Well it is a tropical island! So you have plenty of over-sized flying insects, and a fair share of mosquitoes, but check out this guy enjoying the lighting by the pool. Yikes!


My final photo today is taken from the place we are staying, and looks over La Baie des Mangues (Bay of Mangoes) towards the sea. Lovely!


Thanks for reading today and following our travels!

Asher @abh12345 and Sylvia @osm0sis



I know there are a lot of difficulties you and Sylvia encounter, but I hope this beautiful island helps to see everything in perspective. Your pictures are very beautiful and you know, living out of a bag must be harder when you are older, that is true, but I hope the beauty and the freedom will ensure balance.

Yes, it does seem tougher than it used to be but the freedom we have and beauty all around us more than makes up for it!

Thank you @clio :)

gorgeous post! appreciate your honesty on how much of a learning curve it's been changing up styles from 21 to now! That's a long time, and yes I can imagine the back doesn't want to take the load anymore lol! i can't imagine myself now doing many of the things i did when i was younger, not because i couldn't, but simply because i wouldn't want to hah! beautiful country and i hope you all enjoy your time there, regardless of long term plans <3

Thank you!

Yeah I think the 'comfort zone' becomes harder to break out from the older you get, but I'm determined to continue, even if my back is telling me a different story at times!

The Island is lovely, and we do appreciate it and consider ourselves lucky.

Thank you for your lovely comments :)

Sorry to hear yr facing a bit of uncertainty re the job! Still at least yr making the best of it - and you've just missed the wettest January I ever remember here in the UK!

Nice snaps - nice island. What are the chances of you staying put?

Thanks dude :)

Blighty sounding shocking for January as usual then!

The Island is great, but we are moving on shortly - plenty more to see! Cheers!

Bonjour Asher. I really like your photos and your story about the island of La Réunion. You are very lucky to see this place and I do not despair of going there one day because my husband loves volcanoes.

Thank you very much :)

Yes, I suspect a Volcano is a Geologists dream! They are magical places, so different to what we normally see on earth!

Hi Asher! You are enjoying the real life on Reunion Island Wow. I do believe that weather condition is not that cold there as i can see many banana plants and much greenery in photographs. I did not know that you are that much passionate about travelling since you were a lad :P

Is there any hole or what?

Life is all about travelling it teaches you the beauty of different cultures and enable you to learn how this amazing universe was created

My Beautiful people stay happy always ... :) :)
Stay Blessed <3

Thank you Salman :)

Is there any hole or what?

Yes but only about 40 metres in diameter, it's a small crater from an earlier eruption.

And you are right that travel makes wiser regarding the different cultures of the world, and how the planet became what it is today.

Best wishes to you


You're always welcome Asher :)

Always great to see steemians having a life :)
Contrary to popular beliefs that most of us are algorithm; 1s and 0s. Lol. That was some nice stunning view you guys visited. Nature at its best. Bravo.

haha :)

Yes I enjoy reading 'life' and 'travel' posts as you usually get to find out a little more about the Steemian behind the 1s and 0's. Cheers!

Always good to be able to strike that balance between work and life. Some still struggle with it daily.

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing @abh12345. Steem on :)

Thank you @sndbox! Steem on indeed!

Things will work out and you'll have a different perspective after you have rested and explored the island a bit. Living out of a bag can be a bit difficult but you will soon find a place to put roots for a while. Have faith!

Yes I think you are right.

We are looking at new places and cheaper options so will see how we do. Thank you :)

Holy crap, that's amazing... you are right outside Madagascar then... wow, learned something new / Peace !

Yes we are, and Madagascar could well be on the list. Cheers!

Stunning beautiful tropical island! I could live there for the rest of my life. Wish you the best and success in funding your travel with the income from steemit.

Thank you very much @cheneats! I think we can do it as long as SBD/STEEM price holds up!

I am working hard on my end to make sure the price holds up ;-) My friend @abh12345!

Glad to hear it, keep going! 😁

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