Rainy weather in Nish... Day 2 on the road

in #travel-local8 years ago (edited)

I am on a hitch-hiking-hobo-journey from Sofia to Amsterdam for SteemFEST at the moment, and I will be mainly posting about my journey until I finally get there.

I just discovered that postimg.org has a function to have lower resolution pictures with links to the full size version, so, apologies to those who have been having problems due to a slow internet connection, my posts should load a lot faster for you now, and if you want to look closer or even poke around in the jpeg exifs (they all have GPS coordinates with them), now you can.


So, I got up about 5am this morning, and kept walking up the side road I was on. The straps on my backpack needed fixing again, so I sat under a light out the front of a bakery along the way and stitched up, this time, I ran three rows of stitching across it, so hopefully it will stand up to the strain better now. Cheap chinese things...

I didn't really see anything that interesting along this road, and after about 8km walking I decided that I should really be getting back on the highway. I wasn't sure whether it was permissible to go on the highway as a pedestrian, after seeing freeway symbols, but there was a huge shoulder on it and several police drove past and weren't interested.

But then it started raining, quite heavily, so I walked back towards Nish a little, and a policeman at a toll gate told me there was a petrol station and restaurant a little way back down the road.

So that's where I am now. There was one nice thing I saw that I decided to take a photo of, a Serbian Orthodox church:


I decided to draw 1000 Serbian Dinars out of an ATM, as well, and when I bought some stuff to eat and drink, I got a 100 RSD note... My favourite banknote in the world (Here is also a 50 and 500 as well):


I am just sitting here drying out a bit. The weather is not that cold, indeed when I get walking, I actually am too rugged up for this weather. My plan is to cool my heels for a little longer, and then, assuming it stops raining (it just started raining lightly again) I will stand on the shoulder out front of this petrol station and try to get a ride. Because there is a toll gate just up ahead, possibly I may get a truck that's going to like Vienna or Munich or something, which would be quite handy. I don't really want to dally.

A thing I thought was quite funny - on the other side behind the fortress in Nish, was quite a large amount of army facilities. A sign on the fence of one had the text 'Snimanie i dalye zabranen' or something like that, which means taking pictures and loitering forbidden... 'dalye'... like the english 'dally'. They also use the same word as Dutch and English for price, 'kost' (in Bulgarian, kost means bone).

So, I'll sign off for today, fingers crossed I get a big long ride next, with a truck, I always like getting rides with truckers, they are always cool guys.

Update I just got some other change too, I thought I'd show this one in particular because of its oddness: 10 dinara note, 20 dinara coin. Shto?

screenshot software

@the-ego-is-you suggested I should post the last couple of comments I just made in the steemitbar chat:

l0k1 11:15 AM
I must say, it's pretty cool to be getting paid to do this. Even if it's not much. I could do so much more with a raincoat and a bicycle though...

l0k1 11:22 AM
it's getting quite busy here at this petrol station, maybe i won't have so much trouble getting a lift... europeans don't do anything before 10am it seems

We can't stop here! This is Whale country!

Loki was born in Australia, now lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. IT generalist, physics theorist, futurist and cyber-agorist. Loki's life mission is to establish a secure, distributed layer atop the internet, and enable space migration.

I'm a thoughtocaster, a conundrummer in a band called Life Puzzler. I've flipped more lids than a monkey in a soup kitchen, of the mind. - Xavier, Renegade Angel


All images in the above post are either original from me, or taken from Google Image Search, filtered for the right of reuse and modification, and either hotlinked directly, or altered by me
Uploaded images hosted at postimg.org


Excellent work L0k1. I know you said so in other posts but it might be a benefit to mention that you're on the hitch hikers journey to steemfest right now, for any newcomers to the blog. Maybe even include that as part of your copy pasted info at the bottom. "Follow my trip to steemfest" or something.

Good point. I'm gonna amend my signature to mention this. Well, in fact, put it at the top and write my post in between.

Good luck man! You have big pair of balls 👍

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