Transgendering children information and evidence from the medical field and verified stories that show death and harm

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Scroll to the bottom to see the clip of the child abuse known from transgendering children.

I am doing this as a follow-up to this event,

which occurred less than one month after Natural News editor Mike Adams publicly predicted this new wave of “LGBT progressivism horrors,”

This is what happened to him for calling out this child abuse. Now no one is saying adults can't make choices for themselves, but as Guardians of Children we are sworn to protect, we Must draw the line at these children being mutilated and pushed into a gender which is serving adults.

Here is what happened to Adams after he predicted this,

that “progressive” parents would begin physically maiming their own babies to slice of their gender organs. That prediction, detailed in this article on Natural News.

It is now known to have resulted in Natural News being completely deleted and de-platformed by Facebook after left-wing media outlets published hit pieces that focused on the predictions. Once again, Adams turns out to have been completely accurate in seeing exactly where LGBT insanity was headed.

See evidence that the medical industry realizes the damage in sources below.

Doctors Sue Obama Administration for Forcing Them to Perform Gender Transition Procedures

Under the Obama administration. . .
The Department of Health and Human Services issued new rules forcing doctors to perform gender-reassignment surgery on children if some “mental health professional” recommends it.

Johns Hopkins to resume gender-affirming surgeries after nearly 40 years
The prestigious school is finally distancing itself from its anti-trans reputation.

Guess what Think Progress... you're lying. Evidence here Hopkins Has Always tried experimenting in the manner satan has done to All of God's biology since before the flood. One of the reasons God flooded the earth in the first place because of the harm satan was doing to His creation.

“[Money] raised the legitimate question: ‘Can gender identity be created essentially socially?’ ... Nurture trumping nature,” said Chester Schmidt, who performed psychiatric exams on the surgery candidates in the 60s and 70s.

This theory ended up backfiring on Money, most famously in the case of David Reimer, who was raised as a girl under the supervision of Money after a botched circumcision and later committed suicide after years of depression.

“Money, in understanding that gender was — at least partially — socially constructed, was open to the fact that [transgender] women’s minds had been molded to become female, and if the mind could be manipulated, then so could the rest of the body,”

Should these people be Manipulating People's Minds?

See full story in sources under JHuNewsetter

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise from CBS source at bottom,

CHICAGO - A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.

It's an issue that raises ethical questions, and some experts urge caution in treating children with puberty-blocking drugs and hormones.

An 8-year-old second-grader in Los Angeles is a typical patient. Born a girl, the child announced at 18 months, "I a boy" and has stuck with that belief. The family was shocked but now refers to the child as a boy and is watching for the first signs of puberty to begin treatment, his mother told The Associated Press.

Here is a clip at the bottom which goes over these points,

What kind of society condones genital mutilation of children in order to appease the Left Wing Narrative of parents and the liberal society around them?

We have an age of consent to begin with Because children are not old enough to make the best decisions for themselves.

So for the same reason it is wrong for a parent to give consent to have a child’s genitals mutilated and changed because They want them to be a different gender or have encouraged the child to be another gender. Children need time to experience life the way they were born unhindered Before trying to alter themselves.

No one is stopping adults from this as people make their own decisions, but children should be protected.

So are people Not Against the female genital mutilation that is forced in Minnesota and other states along with various Middle Eastern countries?

Should children be pressured into their parents showing their child as a transgender trophy child?

Can the child fully comprehend what is being encouraged or done to them?

Is the surgery reversible? No it leaves Permanent scars not just physically but emotionally.

Many hospitals have banned transgender surgery and said it is too dangerous and too harmful.

The radical progressives states that those informing people are pushing hate speech, even though They are the ones furthering this physical and mental harm on children.

Adults are free to make their own choices, those choices should Not be pushed upon innocent children whose minds are still forming. They deserve to grow up and make decisions for themselves. Their childhood Should Be Protected.

What if they want to be parents one day, but others have decided to make them a cool, trendy trans child.

Is this not cruel?

Image of clip, see video at brighteon link

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See more evidence of this agenda being pushed here,



Rhuan 9, was stabbed to death by his mother CPS states the boy was given a sex change by her and partner under no medical. He is now dead though the father tried to stop them.

#TransgenderingChildren, #TransgenderAgenda

A little boy dancing on stage partially clothed at a club called 3 Dollar Bill while men take photographs. 11 years old Appropriate? You be the Judge!

Thank #GreatWarrior #GuardianOfChildren Sammy James for the following spot on and concise link,

The Real Agenda Behind #Transgenderism

#Transgender, #Agenda

There is Nothing new under the son, as it was in the days of #Noah [Noe] so shall it be again!

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