
Already sharpening my ax as we speak!

Wait. You mean it wasn't sharp?

It wasn't battle ready?

But what if it all kicked off right now?

It was a bit dull, I admit. For that I apologize. But, to its defense, it would've still done some damage. da-mage. the mage. Huzzah! Magic!

Oh sponsors recovery from your poor edge keeping!

I did say that we should buy that ax that never dulls but noooooooooooooo we just had to buy the one that constantly needs tending "for cost purposes"

There is some silly saying that people with money like to throw around. Not being one of them I can't think what it is. Something about buying cheap buying lots or something! Anyway, yes. That!

I'm glad we're finally on the level regarding this. Now, to level the market!

Lets level it. And by level I mean destroy and by destroy I mean BURNNN!!N!N!

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