Do you Buy the Hype and Sell the FUD? Buy High, Sell Low Right?

in #trading7 years ago


It's all Bull Spit and Bear Paws

Since the release of Bitcoin Cash I have been told every reason under the sun why it will fail. I have also been told every reason why it will take over bitcoin, or just simply why Bitcoin will fail. Its the same as the EOS hype - EOS will crush ethereum, ethereum is garbage, yadda yadda.

Now I am not saying these people have no idea what they are talking about, and they may well be right as it is the very nature of technology to continuously improve, rather than stall and regress. Technology doesn't focus on repairing what has broken, instead, humanity creates brand new solutions. This is how companies stay relevant and how cryptographic assets will stay relevant.

But lets talk about HYPE

As we are only human, often we are victim to our own emotions and end up with confirmation bias. It is what it is, but when it comes to trading and investing HYPE is just noise. Learning a pedantic approach to trading and investing is the greatest possible milestone you could achieve in this sector.

Just this week the Securities Exchange Commission has begun warning traders and investors in capital markets of publically traded companies using crypto and I.C.O. hype to pump and dump stock. They have gone as far as halting the trade of several of these companies and will be formally investigating them.

This anecdote is relevant as everyone seems to want a piece of the crypto pie, and on the new york stock exchange, there are little to no choices to make, especially following this news. You can, however, be sure that people just like you fell victim to this kind of hype from several of these companies. This same kind of garbage is happening in crypto today. I don't think I need actually mention any of the recent scams with the headlines they have been making.

So it's no surprise why Federal Regulators are taking action to define and outline what a cryptographic asset is to protect you, the consumer, from yourself and the nefarious. It is their job.


On the flip side, FUD (Fear Uncertainty & Doubt) is rampant in the crypto markets, just more noise. The August 1 hard fork of Bitcoin is a perfect example of this with everybody pulling their bitcoin off of exchanges and putting them into cold storage for safety reasons. Right after the fork, nothing changed. Sure BCH was created, but as someone I chat with put it, this was the Y2k of crypto....for millenials out there in 1999 it was believed that the year 2000 would cause computers systems to fail globally.

I digress, following the non-event fork, ALT Coins rallied. If individuals left their Bitcoin on the exchanges they would have gotten their free mirror and been able to jump on the opportunity train. FUD comes with opportunity cost.

What's My Point

Nobodies crystal ball is more or less shiny and accurate than the next guys tarot cards. Stick to facts, block out noise and use statistics, that's the point. Price is King and not everybody can be a BUFFET.

Previous Articles:
ETH V Bottom
I.C.O. Are a security
Crypto Roundup
Trading Vs. Investing
Weekly Overview

Follow at your own risk, Not a financial adviser, understand the risks associated with trading and investing. Manage your own Risk - in other words you could lose it all and I could give a fuck.


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