
Summertime red, painful to trade in for certain.

Great time to buy stuff cheap. Almost all the major coins will get back on track in a week.

But for how long? Will it be just one downscale or is it a long-term trend?

For how long will it will go up or for how long it will go down?

It is indeed.

As a newbie I could use a bigger fall, so I could buy some Steem to get me going around here.
But I've accepted that I 'missed the train' with the 8 penny price.

So now I'm just writing as much quality content as possible.

Believe me: Just write and keep talking with people. Don't think about the value of the account. Steem was over 4$ last year and it dropped to almost nothing. By the end of this year, 10$ is not that far.

Accumulate now and be happy later. No matter what the value of STEEM is, you get paid the same amount of STEEM for an article. Building an audience is the key. When STEEM will increase you will make at least 2k a week.

I'm also planning on writing more. I have some ideas, the only thing is to find time to publish.


I should make a weekly special with selfies and pics with cats, for when those yt and fb users will get here. It will be a blast!

In my opinion it is just regular correction

Major dump triggering others.

Hundreds of cryptocoins are trading against bitcoin, why do they all have the same pattern.

Very good question that bothers me a lot since I'm in cryptos (April). There are loads of new platforms, ideas and blockchain models, why can't they be a locomotive power of the market, why can't they let Btc to take some rest? Dependence of BTC decreased to 40% and was 30% but the hardfork is unescapable! Why? Sounds like a childish question but there's the true intonation I ask this question with :)

well, to answer your question in laymans terms, most people are in crypto now as an easy way to make a quick buck, the alt-coins fluctuate faster than BTC in % vs investment, but it's not easy to move money from alt coins directly to fiat, so they have to trade through BTC, obviously if everyone is pulling out investments from alt coins and BTC you going to see similar trends across the market. take advantage of this moment to buy as with every "correction" we tend to see a higher floor than that of the last correction so basically you are unlikely to see alt-coins at these prices again.

Thank you for deliberate answer!)


well, it does, but it's not the driving factor on crypto projects, if you look at the effects on most of these coins, whenever progress is made the market reacts, but the market can and usually (in these cases) also "over-react" as with most new volatile investment markets people are looking at the trends only, without even bothering to look at the company, they see a familiar trend, they ride it while it's hot, set their stop losses and then pull out as soon as it starts to drop. this is where the market correction comes in, once all the pump and dumps are over, most of what you have left are the "hodlers" and when we look at the lowest value of each correction you see the true trend line which likely reflects a much more accurate value of the company, or crypto coin, this value tends to move upwards as the market grows.

Do yourself a favour, pick any good investment you have and blot the lowest points after ever major correction on a chart, then draw a line over these by month, now look at the release notes of the project as well as any events that have taken place, now label these events or release notes as either positive or negative in your opinion for the company, place these opinions over your chart and look at the base value of your project now, see if its inline with your opinion of the company then make a decision based on those findings.


When the Entire Marketcap drops (coins get exchanged for fiat ) .. All coins drop will be proportional around $10/15 billion has left the market entirely in the last couple of days due to some whales cashing out profits. This is normal and once the prices stabilize the upward trend will continue.

I tend to agree. There was a time when alts traded inverse to BTC back when it was much more of a closed ecosystem - "money" went back and forth between alts and Bitcoin - but things have changed, especially since the beginning of 2017, and there's clearly a dominant fiat-crypto relationship now in play. Now when there's serious profit taking, everything gets hit.

This is also one of the main reasons why the selective, rotating P&D game is also history since the fiat to crypto influx is just too much for the legacy whales to handle and sort out. Today pump and dump happens across the entire market as fiat comes in and goes out, which I don't think is a reflection of manipulation anymore either, rather a reflection of mass psychology as buyers and sellers skittishly react en masse to price changes they're not fully comfortable with in what they view as a highly speculative environment.


I believe this is just a correction. A good correction means a next high...

It's the correction period, there are more people in the market, it will soon regulate patience

As a trader, I don't care much about if all coins go up or down in "conspiracy". Opportunity for making money is in both directions. Yes, for investors, this kind of market behavior is a bit concerned - it means all positions in a portfolio are in red if prices go down.

I like seeing when almost all coins are in the red lol, gives me a chance to buy some cheap coins.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63398.53
ETH 2660.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77