Pr0digy Fr0m M0bb Deep Dies@42???

in #tradedy7 years ago (edited)

Prodigy@42 WHAT!!!_6-20-17.PNG

Wow, we are dying young these days SMH This was 0ne of my fav rappers growing up. I 0nce was told that I resembled him ha! This was back when I was@Taft-High School in L.A(16rys 0f age@the time)..

We all knew he had the sickle-cell disease but I didn't see this coming, this early! I seen him starting to take care 0f himself by drinking l0t's 0f water & what n0t so thght he would last PLUS he has m0ney. M0ney can't always save you but it can help prolong which was most likely the case with 'Prodigy'.

Well n0w his s0ngs will sound tht much nicer when I listen to them now. I haven't heard them in awhile. So now I will do a tribute to my man Prodigy(Mobb Deep)

My first time hearing this song and first time seeing this video. Told ya, I dnt listen to others nowdays. It's rare to see me sittN vibN listening to others. I have too much going on. I have to focus on my own music PLUS the crazy crypto-w0rld!

Bout to go take a break to smk 0ne f0r my b0i(R.I.P)


mobb deep and cnn was superb back in the days, their new stuff i dont check too often

ccn - Capone-N-Noreaga ha!
Throw-back! I have to listen to some ol skool tracks now just bcuz

Nostalgia. :,( Good post my boy. By the way, check my new post, maybe you'll like it. <3

My s0n & I were vibing to it ;)
Nice to hear so that can clear out the bad news ;)
thx f0r the cheer-up

“Throughout my life, I have always lived through adversity, I’m a survivor. You don’t understand the mental power that I have. While I am locked up, I’m going to be writing lyrics, working on the script for my second feature film, Dope, and finish writing an autobiography of my life which will be finished by the time I’m released..”

-Prodigy(Albert Johnson) -

Damn, I grew up with his music..

crzy huh! First my b0i Kriss from KrissKross now Prodigy ;(

Dnt 4get to check d0pe boi!!!! I'm scalpN the hell out of it while watching my long-term grow ;) -

That crazy..

I finally had time to hear and watch this s0ng/video and what a pick it was! I was just looking f0r something different besides the old stuff I heard & jus so happened it was fresh, fly, and he even spoke 0f himself dying - 3:26 & up...
Strange seeing him with gray facial hair ha!
I miss my nilly :(

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