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RE: Share your favourite #trackoftheday and WIN 2 SBI

in #trackoftheday5 years ago

Yeah. Bruce Hornsby appealed to me because I grew up listening to country music, bluegrass, and the like. When I was able to choose my own kind of music, I gravitated toward classic rock and the alternative pop that was the 1980s. New Wave, punk, hard rock, etc. Bruce Hornsby had his own style, a good mix of bluegrass and pop rock. I hoped he would go on and hit it big. Since the first album, his success has been moderate. Probably mostly regional. But I liked his style.


You sound like you know his stuff pretty well. I can't think of anything other than this song that I know of his. It's always kind of sad when a band you really like doesn't do as well as you want them to. I have a favorite band that only ever made one album. Sad face, but at least I have that 1 album! :-)

This was my favorite.

Nice! He's got such a smooth voice. :-)

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