Snazzy New Steemit Tools!

in #tools7 years ago


What?!?! These awesome tools were they real? They are now missing again. I swear I Just had a toolbox all shiny and new... where is it??



I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but if you are making a new post, look between the title box and the bigger content box. You will see "editor" or "markdown" and if you click either, it toggles you between the two modes. Try it! :)

That is exactly what she is asking. I didn't realize that either and that was one of the plusses to me of, they had markdown. It's a little too subtle in Steemit.

I never knew! Oh my gosh. I seriously cannot believe you can toggle. Side note: I love the word toggle❤️

This is new for me too. I am pretty sure I haven't had the editor like that before, but checked it now and it is there. All the time until yesterday when I wrote something on Steemit I couldn't change between the editor or the normal markdown style, now I can. :D That's some amazing upgrade for me :)

I know, right? It’s new. The people saying it is not new must be sorcerers. It’s new. To us, it is. Haha 😂

It is definitely new lol but what I learned from it is, that if you start working in one of both, you can't switch to the other one, that is somehow a bit sad, but understandable.

I just learned how to incorporate lame!

Not lame. On the contrary - quite cool!

This is a good tool but it has a lot of bugs in it. It is very difficult to add photos from websites when this tool is on. When i ever used to add picture, it wouldn't show up on the post. I don't use it now unless i need BOLD and Italics text.

I have noticed lots of strange calibration bugs on mobile. Like my cursor is many inches away from the target no matter what. Is this a steemit Issue or a phone issue?

Its the website. Switching to desktop mode in mobile chrome app helps a little bit, but then we have to tolerate small text size that comes with it.

LOL! Oh Lori, you adorable newbie! :D

#!?~@&$ why-I-oughtta 🤺

Just kidding @spiritualmax I oughtta squeeze you. 🤗

Hahaha you accidentally "toggled" it away :o

I supppose you are correct. Mind boggling all that toggling. 🤓😂

it is very necessary to try new things, because it is extraordinary

I do agree. Marvelous world, we should sample it all.
Well... actually everyone should sample it then tell me how it is. I like pajamas today. Haha

I didn't know about this toolbox. But it shows this old toolbox for posting make posting much more easier than now. We have to do more markdown coding now.
Will steemit bring back those old toolbox? If yes then this will be easier way to post.
Thanks for the post @lorilikes

Now, if only they managed to integrate that with the reply box…

This thingy? 🤭🦋
Oh, yes, this thingy. Well here I am, in a reply box. You know us until ... just now, I hadn’t thought of it as a box. Now my natural rebellious instinct will force me to think outside of it. Dang.

You know its just my continuous plan to have you tangled up in writing replies to me every time you take a break, right? :P

Aha! So my master plan worked then! As long as you believe you thought of it and are doing it of free will, we are good! 🤓

[deadpan] Sure, this is an excellent state of affairs. It was all my idea and I'm certainly not playing into anyone's clutches.

(Was that believable enough?)

Perfect, I knew you would say that. It’s unfolding as intended. 🤭

At least someone thinks I'm responding within normal parameters. :P

Um deadpan? What’s this?

Deadpan delivery. Let me find an example ...

Sometimes you just to use the least affect available to communicate the idea. Subvert expectation, say I!

Um deadpan? What’s this?

hi i want to be friends and follow @lorilikes

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